"emily you need to tell her." cece said.

"talk to her. fix your damn marriage emily." hanna said.

"because alison is my maid of honor and you are cece's and i really can't have you and alison hating each other at our wedding." hanna said.

i smiled, "really?"

cece smiled, "of course americano." cece said.

i laughed, "thanks for letting me stay here by the way." i said.

"of course. now go get alison back." cece said and shoved me out the door.

i laughed and ran to the house.

5 minutes earlier

alison pov

i tucked elijah in in his room.

"want me to read a story? how about dr. seuss? you like his stories right?"

"where's mommy?" elijah said.

i sighed and put the book back, "mama and mommy are just...having a little bit of a rough time right now. she's staying with aunt hanna." i said.

he frowned, "is mommy going to be sad again? like last time?"

i shook my head, "i don't think so. i hope not." i said.

"mommy stopped being sad when nanny sara started living with us. she liked nanny sara."

i exhaled deeply, "i know this is probably really hard for you to understand because you're so...little." i said and smiled.

"nanny sara wasn't a very nice lady and she needed to go away." i said and smiled, stroking my baby boy's cheek.

he turned his head, looking at the picture he drew of him and sara, "i wish nanny sara was  my mama." he said and sighed.

i stared at him, pain shooting through my heart.

him and tori both said that to me...

the doorbell rang and i stood up and walked downstairs to find emily waiting at the door.

i opened it and she smiled weakly.

i didn't even say anything.

i opened the door farther and moved to the side, allowing her access inside.

"alison i'm sorry okay? and i'm sorry for the way this looks. but before you say anything, just know that it's my fault." 

i sighed and walked into her body.

i sniffled, and put my head on my wife's chest.

she instantly wrapped her arms around me.

"i should have done something earlier. i should have said something to you from the start." emily said.

i sobbed quietly and pulled my head away slightly, "she said that you kissed her." i said and scoffed, barely smiling.

i pulled away and sighed.

i looked into emily's eyes and frowned.

"did you?" i asked, now suspicious whether it was true or not.

"mommy's home!" elijah said and ran over to emily.

emily pov

"hey buddy. what's up?" i asked elijah, faking a smile for the brown haired boy.

i put my hand on his shoulder, "um...mama and i need to talk right now, okay? so why don't you go out back and shoot around? you know what? try to make 5 free throws in a row and i'll be out there in a sec, okay?" i said and smiled.

Treacherous(Emison)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang