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Day one, the audition. Day two, the window. Day three, blue. One week, nothing. Two weeks, nothing. Three weeks, something

Chris Kendall: Have a suitcase packed for tomorrow afternoon, you have a boat to catch. Howell's office at 11.00 and you will board the ship at 12.00. You are sailing to France, no need to pack heavy. Only bring clothes and personal items. Howell has all hygiene covered so don't waste space. See you tomorrow with Mr.Liguori too.

After three weeks of silence, I finally got something.

Phil Lester: Thanks Chris c:

Chris Kendall: Stop replying.

Phil Lester: Sorry c:


My legs either side of my suitcase, I tugged the small metallic zip in an attempt to close the last part of my case. After minutes of tugging it finally shut.

I was nervous as hell but I prayed it didn't show. Howell didn't like me nervous and when I was nervous I disappointed. I don't want to disappoint Howell ever.

I did a quick sweep of my flat to make sure everything was in order before taking the handle of my suit case and wheeling it out into the hallway. I locked my front door and text Chris quickly.

Phil Lester: I've just locked up my home & about to leave :D

Chris Kendall: I will tell Howell immediately, thank you.

Phil Lester: No need to reply Chris ¬.¬

Chris Kendall: Piss off


The taxi journey to Howell's was uneventful, only my worries and thoughts buzzed around like wasps. Very annoying wasps. It wasn't anything new, it was the same old 'what-if-I'm-not-good-enough-and-Howell-fires-me-ahhh-help-me' thoughts.

The driver pulled into a small side road where he had been told to go, he helped me take my bag out of the boot and onto the pavement. I said my thankyous and he was off.

The wait for Howell seemed a life time when in reality it was only 7 minutes exactly. Yes, I was counting the minutes.
After the 7 minutes passed an expensive looking black car pulled up in front of me. I stood stiffly, not sure what to do. The drivers door opened, it was Howell; he had a cheerful glow. ''You get in the other side and I'll take your case.''

I smiled at him and walked around to the other side of the car, carefully taking the handle to open the door. I bent down to sit on the low seats, they were a slate colour and they were very comfortable. Everything just seemed expensive. I felt I shouldn't have been there.

Howell got into the drivers seat and looked at me with a worried face. ''Phil? Are you alright?''

''Oh yeah.'' My words were rushed. He didn't seem convinced, I wasn't sure what was wrong with me but I knew being in such an expensive car that you dream of as a boy was an element to it. I could hear Howell sigh, he leaned over taking my seat belt and buckling me in. I looked at him. Howell was smiling,''I'd rather you be safe in my car.'' Why was I blushing? Was that even blush worthy?
''Do you blush often, Phil?''
Maybe he wanted to make blush or maybe I'm not supposed to.

The engine started, Howell carefully pulled out and began to drive down the London roads, ''The journey will be two hours to get to Dover where we will be getting on the ferry to France. The ferry journey should be an hour and a half, we'll be taking some photos. We'll get to Calais and drive again for three hours until we get to Paris.''

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