Chapter 19

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"So, are you excited?" Chase asked me.

"Yeah. Are you?" I asked him.

"I'm getting there. I don't really want to meet her mom, but I kinda half to." He shrugged.

"Yeah, and her mom isn't that bad." I smiled.

Chase shrugged and turned to look out the window.

Sarah came back from the bathroom.

"Hey." She said sitting down.

"Hey." I said.

"I can't wait for you to see my house. Oh and I do have a dog." Sarah smiled.

"You have a dog and you didn't tell me till now? Are you sick." I teased.

"Well, I just forgot." She shrugged.

My phone buzzed. It was from Peter.

P= Peter, E=Emma

P- hey how's the plane ride going

E- pretty good I'm really bored but what is there to do in a plane?

P- well let me think a little

E- I didn't really mean that...

P- I know just trying to humor you

E- right well have you moved out of the house yet?

P- no not yet I still packing up everything

E- oh well I have to go. I will talk to you soon. Luv you.

P- luv you too, bye.

End of conversation

I really don't know how I am going to handle not seeing him for more then a week.

Sarah was lucky, she's able to bring her boyfriend home with her.

Sarah and Chase are really starting to annoy me. They were holding hands giggling. Even Chase was giggling.

The worst thing about this plane ride wasn't them giggling. It was a dog that wouldn't stop barking. That was really starting to getting on my nerves.


The plane ride was really bad. But at the air port was way worse.

There was way to many people, I couldn't reach my bag on carousel, so I gave up on trying to get it, and I lost Chase and Sarah. They left on on the plane by myself, and when I got off they were nowhere in sight. Bad luck for me.

So i was stuck in the middle of the airport, that I have never been to before, and Sarah had my phone because I asked her if she could hold it for me send I didn't have pockets.

I really hated this. So instead of standing in everyone's way I decided to try again to get my bag.

After about fifteen minutes of fighting my way through the crowd of people I made it to the carousel, and right away got my bag.

After I got my bag chase and Sarah found me and gave back my phone. I was so relieved. Good luck was coming back my way.

Sarah's mom was waiting for us. When. I seen her I wanted o scream.

I missed her so much. She was like my second mother. She was glad to see me too, she wrapped me up in a tight hug and wouldn't let go.

Sarah had to pull her off me. I mean I was glad to see her too, but I didn't want to hug her to tight that she died!

When she got off me she seen chase and frowned. I wanted to burst into laughing. But I stopped myself before I smile.

"Mom." Sarah said. "This is chase."

"Hi chase." She gave a weak smile.

"Hi ms." He stopped. "Ms. Sarah's mom."

"Our last name is Stevens. But you can call me Jane." She gave a weak smile.

"Hi Jane. Sarah is always talking about you." Chase smiled trying to get on the good side of Jane.

"That's good. Well why don't we get back to the house and we can make some pizza or something. There we can talk." She smiled.

"Good plan mom." Sarah smiles.

"Well let's go before it gets dark." Chase laughs.


At Sarah's house I sit on the bean bag chair, and chase and Sarah are making out on the couch.

Of course Jane isn't here to see this. She in the kitchen, which is on the other side of the house.

"You two are lucky Jane isn't here to see this." I say trying to start a conversation.

"Why?" Chase asks.

I burst out laughing. "Because if she seen that you two would be in big trouble. And you would end up going he right away." I tell Chase.

"Was she able to make out with her other boyfriend?" He asks the stupidest questions.

I laugh again. "Yeah after her mom got to know him and they spent most of there time together."

"Well I guess I have to get her to trust me." He smile, and the went back making out.


"Morning everyone." Jane came in with a big smile.

"Morning mom." Sarah said tried.

"You seem tried, did you sleep well?" Jane asked.

"Yeah, I'm just not awake yet." She sighed.

"Good, then how did you two sleep?" She asked looking and chase and me.

"Good." We both said at the same time.

I looked at chase and smiled.

"Good." She smile and turned away grabbing cereal.

Everyone sat quietly watching Jane.

"So Emma, how long are you planning on staying here?" Jane asked.

"Umm well considering I brought most of my belongings, a long time. But not here, like in this house. I plan on getting a job, and moving out of this house once I have enough money." I said taking a deep breath.

"Well I'm glad your responsible enough to try to be a job." She looked over at Sarah.

"Don't look at me." She put yo her hands in defense.

I laughed and shook my head.

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