Chapter 8

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I looked into his eyes.

I couldn't stand it, I had to kiss his beautiful lips of his.

"Hey." Sarah said walking over us.

"Hey." I said back.

"I see you two are getting along great." She said smirking.

"Yes we are, you guys are to right?" I said raising my eyebrow.


"Well it's only noon, so do you guys want to eat?" I asked Chase and Peter.

"Sure where at?" Peter asked me.

"We could get some coffee at Starbucks?" I said.

"Sure." They both said.

"Who's car are we taking?" I asked.

"Well we we rode bike here so I guess we are taking yours." Peter said.

"Okay then let's go." I said getting up and walking to my mom's car.

"Can I drive?" Sarah asked me.

"Are you kidding if you get this thing wreaked we are dead. So absolutely not." I said to Sarah.

We hopped in the car guys in the back. I turned on the car and drove off.

"Okay here we are." I said turning to looking at Peter.

"Nice." He said hopping out of the car." Ill pay for everyone."

"Cool." I said to him.

I got out of the car and walked up to him. He took a hold of my hand. I held his hand.

"Oh how cute." Sarah said laughing.

"Haha. Very funny." I said.

We walked into Starbucks, Sarah order what she wanted i ordered, Chase ordered, then Peter did. He pairs and we got our coffee.

"We should go somewhere fun.." Sarah said." Like, the zoo."

"The zoo?" I asked.

"Yeah that fun isn't it." She said.

"No the zoo is stupid." I said.

"Well, then where can we go?" She asked glaring at me.

"We could go to the park." I said laughing.

"We were just there we should go someplace different."

"Okay, why dont i bring you guys to my house." Peter said." That would be fun."

"Okay." Sarah snd i both said.

"But I sentinel whe re that is." I said.

"Well would you trust me to drive?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I could. But only this one time. Okay?"

"Okay." He said smiling.

"What so you trust him but you don't trust me?" Sarah whined.

"Thats because I knew where we were going. Now I dont have a clue where I'm going." I Sid smirking at her." So stop whining."

"Ugh.. fine." She said putting away her lip.

"Now if you want me to drive you have to give me the keys." Peter said.

"Oh right. Here catch." I said, tossing the keys to him.

"Nice." He remarked.

We hoped in the car and went on our way.


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