Chapter 10

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"Why don't you want to come back with me?" Sarah asks, dropping the ball she was holding.

"I just dont feel comfortable leaving Stacy and Max. They need help."

"But can't you come back with me then after a week or two you can go back home?"

"Sarah, I would love to really.."

"Then canoe back with me!" She interrupts me.

"Sarah i can't. I know it's not my fault the got pregnant, it was their decision. But I have to help them."

"Fine." Sarah says throwing her mit on the ground and walking into the house.

I follow behind her grabbing the mits and ball and walk inside.

"What was that all about?" My mom asks curious.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, wondering if she heard.

"I heard the conversation, the kitchen window is open. Who's pregnant. And why do you need to help max and Stacy? They aren't aloud to see each other any more."

"Mom." Its all I could say.

"Emma, don't lie to me, I need to know."

" I have to go upstairs." I run up the stairs and into my room, I shut the door.

"Emma!" My mom screams.

"Sarah we are in trouble." I say searching for Sarah.

"What are you talking about?" She says coming out if the walk in closet.

"My mom found out. She heard the conversation outside." I tell her.

"You need to text max and Stacy right now."

"What am I supposed to tell them?" I ask her curious to where she's getting at.

"Just tell them what happened."


After we texted max and Stacy, we waited for them to answer back. We told them everything that happened. We told them how our mom sorta found out.

"Well, we need to get our minds off thing" Sarah said.

"Well we can't get out, we're grounded." I tell her walking to them window.

"I know, but we have to do something." She says walking to the other said other side of the room.

"Yeah I guess your right." I say looking out the window.

RING RING. I get a text from Peter.

It says, Hey do you want to hang out today??

I replied with, we can't we got grounded, but I would mind just texting you, it feeling like I'm with you already. :)

I wait a few minutes before I get text from Stacy

She says, what's going on??!

I tell her, we were talking about you guys outside playing catch and my mom heard our conversation, I haven't told her what happened I just ran into my room, but you guys have to come home and explain it to her.

She said, but max he's scared.

You have to, I have to go now, don't argue you have to come home, you guys are spending to much money, and you can't hide anymore.

"Well they should be coming home today or tomorrow." I tell Sarah.

"Oh, that's great." She gives a fake smile.

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