Chapter 11

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Sarah wakes me up pushing me.

"Wake up, wake up. Emma." She whispers.

"What?" I groan.

"Guess who texted?" She practically screams.

"Who?" I wine.

"Peter." She says smiling.

"Yeah..." I put my pillow over my head.

Sarah laughs and walking into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I look up.

"Taking a shower." She peaks her head out " is that okay?" She asks.

"Yeah sure." I make she she shuts the bathroom door and locks it before I jump to my phone.

"Nobody texted." I mumble to myself.

I get out of bed and put a my cloths on. A crop top with shorts.

I walk down stairs to find my mom already made French toast for breakfast.

"Good morning." My mom looks over her shoulder.

"Morning." I say Jumping to sit on the counter.

"Here have some breakfast. Is Sarah coming down?" She asks trying to look up the stairs.

"Not yet. She's taking a shower."I say.

"Oh okay then." She goes back to making the French toast.

"So can I ask a question?" I say.

"Sure ask away." She says flipping the French toast.

"Well umm you know how you grounded us..."

"Yes Emma you are ungrounded now." She cuts me off.

"Thank you thank you so much." I jump of the counter and huge her from the back.

I run up the stairs, into my room, and to my phone.

P=peter, E=emma

E: do you want to hang out today?
P: sure when do you want to meet up?
E: noon is best for me.
P: noon then it's settled.
E: yep well I will text you later Kay?
P: okay bye.

Sarah walks out of the bathroom.

"Hey" she says.

"Guess what?" I practically scream.

"What?" She laughs.

"We are ungrounded, and we are going to go see Peter today!" I scream this time.

"Oh." She mumbles.

"Sarah what's weong?" I ask her.

"Well it's just." She pauses for a few seconds "I really like Chase. And my boyfriend back home well he isn't like Chase. And I think I should break up with him."

"Really, you really like him?" I ask.

"Yes, and you know what. I'm going to break up with him right now. I will call him." She says grabbing her phone.

"Sarah are you sure this is a good idea. Maybe you should wait till your home?" I ask. "I mean you can date Chase but then a day or to after you get home you can break up with your boyfriend maybe that would be better."

"No it has to be done be now." She says putting her phone up to her ear.

"Okay, umm I will go get breakfast." I walk out of the room.


After I grad breakfast for us I walk upstairs into my room.

"Here's breakfast" I walk into the room. "How did it go?"

"Fine actually, I told him about Chase." She said.

"And?" I asked waiting for her to go on."What happened?"

"Well he said it was okay because he found this other girl. And he said that they have been together for a while now and that they are happy." She said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said sympathetically.

"Its okay." She smiled weakly."I pretty much did the same thing to him."

"Well have some breakfast it's getting cold." I said, putting the plate on the desk and handed her one.


After we ate breakfast I change and we head down stairs.

"So are we going to hang out with Peter and Chase today?" Sarah asks nudging me.

"Yes we are." I smile at her trying to make her laugh.

It didn't work. I just wanted her to smile, I don't want a grumpy friend with me.

"Well then let's go!" Sarah yells.

"Okay." I say it putting my hands in surrender. I don't want her to kill me.

I grab my keys and before I know it I hear the door slam behind me... Sarah.

I just laugh and head outside.

I get in the car and we take off.

We get to the mall and it seems like there is no parking lots. Finally I found on, but it's way in the back. We practically have to walk one mile...

But thankfully Peter and Chase met us halfway.

I just wanted to run and jump into Peters arms. I was so thankful that he had started walking towards us. I didn't want to walk all the way over there.

When he saw us he smiled and blushed. I blushed seeing the sight of him blushing. I looked down so he wouldn't notice.

Once we were face to face Sarah and Chase left right away.

Peter and I stood in the middle of Therese gazing into each other's eyes. well until a car honked and we had to move out of the way.

I started laughing when we got to the other side of the parking lot. Peter joined in a few seconds later.

He looked at me and smiled. "Where you want to go?" He asked me, still smiling.

"Where ever you want." I said blushing.

"Well then maybe we could take a walk in the park. If that's okay with you?" He asked me.

"That would be wonderful." I smiled.

After a moment of silence while we walk, Peter took my hand and held it. I smiled and looked the other direction.

He stopes walking and spins me around facing him.

"Why do you always look away?" He asks me.

"I do t know, I guess its because I don't want you to see me blush." I blush.

" But it's really cute when you do." he smiled.

That just made me blush more.

He laughed and shook his head.

Started to walk again while I just stood and watched him.

He turned around "Are you coming?" He asks me.

"Yeah sorry." I say walking up to him.

Peter took held of my hand again. I smiled and we started walking again.

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