How come... I never expected that I was the problem?

So many unanswered questions ran through your head, as your numb, stiff body turned around. Picking up your phone and handbag after putting your cardigan and converse on, you left out of the door without even looking back once.

You walked to a nearby hotel, not noticing the warm tears on your already wet cheeks. You've been crying since the moment the last word left Harry's mouth and you didn't notice.

It just hit you really hard, and all you wanted to do is lay on a bed and cry your heart out till you sleep.

And that's what you did right after you checked in.

-----|Third Person's P.O.V.|-----

3 days. 3 freaking days with Claude not hearing a word from Harry.

For her, their relationship was over. And that was final, she decided that she won't get back with him any time soon.

The next morning after that night, Claude went back to her old apartment that she used to live in, before moving to Harry's, convincing it's owner to let her rent it again, which she succeeded with.

In the same day, she sent someone to bring her clothes and stuff. Gladly Harry wasn't home, so she retrieved her things quietly and with no problems.

The second day was hard for her, for she cried whenever a memory of him flashed through her mind. She didn't do much but lay around lazily most of the time.

The third day, Claude didn't want to think of her ex at all, so she cleaned her place, went shopping for some missing things, and by the sunset she was reading a book to entertain herself as the rain poured out heavily outside.

Suddenly, she heard loud banging on the door. The poor girl was frightened to death and didn't know what to do.

"Claude!!" A deep, husky voice shouted, though it came out as a sob.

"Baby please open!"He banged two more times. She knew exactly who it was.

Claude ran down the stairs to the door, peeping through the peephole to make sure she didn't hear wrong.

Hiding her body as much as she could behind the door, due to the cold wind that entered immediately after she opened it, her head peeked out. Eyes apprehensive and a bit wide.

"Harry..." She breathed.

Harry was soaking wet from rain, his face red along with his puffy eyes. It was clear that he had been crying pretty hard and not getting too much sleep. Bags under his eyes and tiredness evident on his features.

The sight infront of Claude broke her heart, so she slammed the door in Harry's face and ran up to her room again.

-----|Harry's P.O.V.|-----

What the fuck did just happen? I thought as I saw Claude close the door in my face. Well... more like slam it hard.

Another sob wrecked my body as I looked down, hurt and guilty.

My eyes widened as the door opened again making my head shoot up quickly. They softened when I saw my baby girl holding a towel in her hand.

She tried to keep a serious, hard gaze but it was evident that that wasn't her mood.

"Are you gonna stay there and freeze to death or come in? Because you definitely caught a cold already." She frowned.

I wanted to step in but, "I don't wanna wet the rugs ,i'll stay here." I explained in a low voice.

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