1--my life

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My alarm beeps 3 times as I wake up. Luckily, it's Sunday, which means no school, but I still have to get up early for Church. I also remember that this is a super important day for my dad. We are having brunch after Mass with the president and vice president of the company he's hoping to merge with. I sigh, and get up. I walk into my large closet, eyeing my clothes.

Hi, I'm Blake. You may be wondering why I'm so annoyed with having a spectacular brunch with very important people. Well, the answer to that is very simple:

I'm annoyed because this is the one day of the week where I get to see both of my parents for the whole day, the one day that we get to do things as a family, and we are spending most of it at a restaurant.

Now, you may be wondering why this is the only day I get to see both of my parents for the whole day. Here's the answer:

My dad is the president of some company (I can never remember the name) that has something to do with selling high-tech equipment. He's always gone during the week, and sometimes I don't even get to see him on the weekends because of all of the expos he goes to and whatnot. Now my mom, she's a photographer. She photographs everything, from cover stars to basketball players in the NBA. She's gone a lot too because she's always at different events taking photographs.

Basically, my parents are work-a-holics and they only take off Sundays. But not this Sunday, no, not today. Out of all the days they work, today's the big day.

The upside to all of this, though, is that we have a steady flow of cash coming in. My dad owns billions of dollars, and my mom makes tons of money everyday from her award winning photographs. It's wonderful, because I can get anything I want in the blink of an eye. Anything I want, when I want it.

I slip on the deep red dress that my mom picked out for me for today. I straighten my dark, slightly wavy hair, and put in the diamond stud earrings I got as a birthday gift years ago. I look at myself, and sigh. I'd rather spend the day hanging out with my parents at home, watching movies on our large flatscreen TV.

I glare at my reflection, and go out to the hallway. I press the button for our elevator, and it takes me down two floors to the main floor. I slip my black flats on, and wait patiently for Mom and Dad to come out.

Finally, Dad comes out, looking sharp in a black suit and red tie, and Mom follows, wearing a gorgeous, silver dress. They both come and give me a kiss on the cheek, and we rush outside to our car. We slide into the seats, and Dad tells the chauffeur to take us to the Church, and in less than 15 minutes, we arrive at the beautiful, gothic styled church.

I enjoy the Mass, and all too soon we are rushing back to the car, and are being driven off to the fancy restaurant Dad picked out.

I sit silently in the car while Dad and Mom chatter away about the opportunities that we have today. As I stare out the window, something immediately catches my eye.

We pass a large stable. I read the sign. Chestnut Grove Stables. I almost press my nose to the glass as we pass the pastures that are filled with all colors of horses. Blacks, whites, chestnuts, roans, dappled grays, paints, appaloosas, bays, you name it! And then I see a large, outdoor arena filled with colorful jumps. A girl sits atop a gorgeous liver chestnut horse, and I watch as they canter around the ring with such ease, and head toward a jump. I count down the strides in my head, and at the perfect moment, she lifts into position and they soar over the bright yellow and black jump. My eyes trail them as they continue to lift over jumps, and then I'm abruptly pulled out of it when the view turns into dark green trees. I sigh, and close my eyes.

Again, you're probably wondering how I know all of this stuff about horses and riding. The answer is this:

I love horses. Love them. I was at a family friend's young daughter's birthday party, and it was a horseback riding party. I got to ride a gorgeous horse on a few trails, and all too soon the party was over. Since then, horses have been my favorite animal. I've tried asking Mom and Dad for riding lessons, but they always say no. My mom thinks it's improper for ladies (ugh!) and my dad just agrees with her. He doesn't really care. Now, my days are filled with drawing and daydreaming about them.

I'm pulled out of my daydream of me riding a beautiful black horse over jumps when the car comes to a stop outside of the restaurant. I reluctantly get out of the car, and adjust the skirt of my dress. I follow my parents inside, and Dad asks the front desk lady about our reservation. She leads us upstairs to a private area, and we sit down at the table seated for 5. I lay the napkin on my lap, and Mom strokes my arm.

"How are you?" she asks.

"I'm well, thank you," I said. "I'm just bored."

Mom gave me a half smile. "Me too," she whispered. "Meals like these bore me."

"I wish we had more time together," I said. "Like, just you, me, and Dad."

"Oh, honey, I do to, but you know what work is like now for your father. But I get it- and I'm sorry we aren't around more," Mom said, and just then, two men who were dressed similar to my dad walked in and before they sat down, we all stood up and Dad shook their hands. They made the introductions, and I had to shake both of their hands, too.

We sit down, and we all order drinks. I get sparkling apple juice, Mom gets tea, and the men get coffee. I sat boredly as the 3 men talked about boring stuff, like work, equipment, and money.

I sat there for hours, not saying a word, as the men discussed deals, and, finally, when they shook hands and said they would keep in touch, the deal was sealed and Dad was over the moon as we drove home.

"Okay, Blake, the rest of the day is yours! What do you want to do?" Dad asked.

"Well, there is something I would love to do, but I don't think you guys would be too keen on it," I said, and then I told them. "I want to take riding lessons. We passed a barn, Chestnut Grove Stables, and I think I would do really well! You guys want me to do a sport-" I got cut off.

"Horseback riding isn't a sport," Mom said, and I could feel my face get red.

"Yes, it is! It's in the Olympics, it's physical activity, you need to be really strong to do it, and just because it doesn't have a ball in it doesn't make it any less of a sport!" I spat at them. "Please," I whispered. "It gets lonely here without you guys around, and this would help keep me busy," I said.

Mom and Dad looked at each other, and were silent. "Fine," Mom spat. "We'll think about, but there's no guarantee."

I broke out in a grin. "Thank you so so so so much! I'm so excited!" I cheered, and hugged them. I could feel Mom smile, but she added, "there's no promises."

The rest of the day, me, Mom, and Dad sat around together and watched TV. It may not sound like much, but to me, it means the world.

* * *

A/N: this is the first chapter of Horse Stolen! I hope u guys all like it. srry this chapter is boring. its kind of like an intro chapter. but i promise it will get better as it goes on!!!

comment and vote:) bye<3

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