Flower Crowns- Kellic

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A/U: Who knew Vic would be so interested in the quiet boy at the flower shop. Normally, he wouldn't pay much attention to anyone when he was out on his daily routine but when he stops by a flower shop, he's captivated by a beautiful boy with a flower crown.

Vic's POV:

I swear, the only thing keeping me from not screaming at everyone is the fact I'm listening to A Great Big World, honestly how can you be upset listening to Chad and Ian's angelic voices?

I was walking about my daily routine, this time only to be asked to buy some flowers for the house. Company was coming over and according to my mom, "if we have flowers maybe it will look like we're not dysfunctional and we're a normal family."

I pushed the shop's door open quietly attempting to go unnoticed but to my dismay, the bell above rang loudly indicating someone has entered. I browsed the wide selection of different flowers before settling on a bouquet of sunflowers.

As I approached the register only to stop dead in my tracks astonished as the most beautiful boy ever stood in front of me.

"Sir?" The boy let out a high pitched voice but at the same time it was masculine.

"Uh-hi!" I quickly responded taking note that I should probably ask for his number later on. "How may I help you?" He asked politely, eyes never leaving my gaze.

"Oh, uh, just these, please." Placing the flowers upon the checkout I took notice of a stunning flower crown sitting atop of his beautifully black hair.

"Your total will be $6.60, sir" Forgetting to hand over the money, the boy cleared his throat which brought me back into reality.

I mumbled a "sorry" before fumbling the money over and taking off towards the exit. I couldn't afford anymore embarrassment than I already felt. I fished out my phone from my pocket dialing my best friend, Lynn's, number.

"LYNN, I COMPLETELY EMBARRASSED MYSELF IM FRONT OF THE CUTEST BOY EVER! I'm getting weird glances I'll text you." I screamed into the phone making my way downtown(A/N: *waits for someone to finish lyrics*) towards my house.

LYNN CENA: dude, what up?
Viccccy: I totally embarrassed myself I front of the cute boy working @ the flower shop and why you change your contact name to LYNN CENA??!
LYNN CENA: BC IM A MEME GET REKT SON!! on a scale from Dirt to 2010 Gerard Way, how hot is he?
LYNN CENA: lmao loser ur screwed
Viccccy: ur no help ;((
LYNN CENA: okie okie srys lol
Viccccy: okie but he was "good shit right there" good looking and hE WAs wEArInG A FUcKinG flOWeR cRoWN
LYNN CENA: oh DAYUMN Viccccy is in luvvv
Viccccy: ur mean;( I'm not gonna watch movies w/ u so u can see hot girls anymore
Viccccy: kk but I g2g company is coming over
LYNN CENA: mkay txt me the details bye

I turned my phone off making my way into the house setting the flowers down on the kitchen table.

"Thank you, honey. Please um-fix this," my mother greeted motioning towards my appearance, "-company will be here any minute." I nodded heading up to my room. After about twenty minutes of me getting ready Mike opened the door.

"The lady from mom's work is here and you know what, she has a son your age," Mike added winking before exiting my room. I sighed and proceeded to follow Mike down the stairs to greet the guests.

"This is my dear friend Ms. Bostwick and her son, Kellin." My mother smiled. I swear my heart froze once my eyes set on the bo-Kellin, across from me.

"I'll take Kellin to my room, mom. Nice to meet you, Ms. Bostwick." I smiled politely and motioned for Kellin to follow me up stairs.

"Psss, Vic!" Mike whisper-yelled, peaking his head out from around his doorway.

"Go on in, I'll be right back" I smiled at Kellin then approached Mike's room.

"What do you want?"
"I know you think he's cute."
"Correction, I think he's insanely hot."
"I know, now use protection and have fun. Oh and I think now would be a good time to tell you Tony and I are dating. Good luck!" Mike finished pushing me out the door into the hallway. Wait, Tony is dating Mike? I wonder if Jaime knows?

I walked back in my room finding Kellin standing awkwardly in the middle of my room. "Uh, hey!" I said a little too enthusiastically, mentally slapping myself.

"Y-you have great music taste, by the way." Kellin said admiring the posters lining my bedroom walls. We talked for a while about music and other interests we had. To my surprise we had multiple things in common.

We decided upon watching a movie, totally not so I could admire him, why would you think that? *nervous laughter*

Midway through the movie Kellin interrupted, "I know you like m-me." He stated bluntly, his shy persona now radiating with confidence. I didn't reply back, did Mike tell him?

"I know when someone l-likes me, and you're making it pretty obvious." He laughed a little adding a smirk to his features. I say there is pure shock not knowing how to respond.

"When a-are you going to k-kiss me?" He looked directly at me, his beautiful eyes meeting mine. By this time my face was very red and I did a terrible job at hiding it.

I managed to choke out a reply, rushing the last sentence, "do you want me to? IMeanYou'reSuperCuteAndIWouldn'tMind."

I winced at my response hoping he likes me back and hopefully isn't going to be an asshole to me if he doesn't feel the same way back.

I didn't wait for a reply, the only thing that came after that was a kiss which led into a make out session. By the way, Kellin is an amazing kisser.

We broke apart for air in between kisses but before I knew it the once shy boy was straddling my waist, my arms around his neck.

"-wOAH DUDES, QUIT SUCKING FACE! I DO NOT NEED TO SEE THIS!" We quickly untangled ourselves trying our hardest to gain our composure back. Mike shielded his eyes in disgust before making sure we were done before looking back.

"-um, diner's ready. I can see maybe you guys are pretty hungry considering yOU'RE TRYING TO SWALLOW EACH OTHER!" We both winced slightly at his loud outburst before he mumbled a sorry and walked out.

"Um, we should p-probably go e-eat" Kellin hesitantly removed himself from my lap, readjusting his flower crown meanwhile, his previously shy personality made it's way back.


Once diner was finished Kellin and I excused ourselves from the table, Kellin being polite(and adorable) as fuck by thanking my mom for the "wonderful meal" which a smile. In all honestly, I'm pretty sure he wants to make a good impression for my mother because in less than two minutes he'll be attempting to get in her son's pants.

We agreed on spending the remaining time spent together watching Empire Records and listening to "Back On Top" by The Front Bottoms, that plan didn't work out too well because a majority if that time was well spent making out.

"Kellin! Time to go!" My mother called from the ground floor. We made our way downstairs saying goodbyes, hopefully this wouldn't be a one time thing.

"Call me, babe." Kellin smirked handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. He soon took his flower crown off his head only to place it on mine and he fucking kissed me right there! Left smiling like an idiot, he thanked my mother for the invite and innocently left.

"You have some explaining to do." My mother's strict but humorous voice filled the air.


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