Maybe I want a Prince-GabeSaporta+DallonWeekes

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A/U: Dallon is a prince of a kingdom and is forced to meet a group of princesses to marry but then a King and Queen from a far away kingdom come over for a royal dinner, Dallon has his eye on their prince, Gabe.

"Dallon, honey! Please come down, you have to meet the Princesses!"

Dallon quietly sat in his bedroom, the palace currently being occupied by royal families bringing their daughters to meet him in hopes of being the next Queen.

Truth be told, Dallon wasn't particularly interested in girls like the rest of the Princes at Academy For The Royal. He never saw how any of the boys thought of being in romantic, or sexual, relationships with girls. The only Prince who wasn't interested in Princesses, but Princes instead, was Brendon Boyd Urie(who has his eye on George Ryan Ross III). He sometimes thought that was also his case, maybe Dallon didn't want a Princess. Maybe he wanted a Prince.

Dallon signed loudly, there were plenty of things he would rather be doing with his time aside from meeting a group of Princesses he wasn't particularly  interested in. He was rudely interrupted from his thoughts by his mother who entered the room rather loudly.

"Dallon Weekes, you come down and meet those nice Princesses this minute! It is extremely rude and impolite to ignore them like this!" And with those final words she exited the room and her footsteps could be heard echoing through the marble floored halls.

With another sigh, Dallon made his way to the grand ballroom. As he opened the doors, he was greeted with around twenty Princesses staring right at him and then clapping. He defiantly wasn't attracted to any one of these girls. Sure they were pretty, but nothing that peaked Dallon's interest.

"Ah! Princesses, let's welcome our Prince - and soon to be King, our son-Dallon Weekes!" Dallon's father, who was currently King, started off the speech which went on for another ten minutes. Of course Dallon wasn't paying attention and was startled when his father started introducing each Princess and let them speak.

Dallon didn't exactly see the point of these "competitions", women weren't an item for a man to pick and choose who were worthy and who weren't. All Dallon wanted was to tell these girls to go home and him to head back to his room.

Not soon enough, it was over and Dallon was more than happy to leave and have some time to himself.

"Honey, we are inviting the King and Queen, and their son, to a dinner tonight in order to discuss trade! They are very good friends of your mother's and I. Please be ready by six." His father quickly spoke and headed into a different room which left Dallon to dwell on whether he even wanted to meet this Prince or not.

"They're here! Please, Dallon, be on your best behavior and be kind to their son." Dallon's mother quickly spoke while straightening out her dress and having the family stand in the cliché stance of a royal family.

Dallon wasn't paying much attention to what was going on, he just looked at his feet hoping this would all be over soon.

"King and Queen Saporta, this is our son, Dallon." The cheery voice of his mother caused his head to pop up. Not only was Dallon met with another typical Royal family, but he was also met with a boy - who he assumed was around his own age - and he was absolutely stunning to Dallon.

"Hello, I'm Prince Dallon! Pleased to meet you!" He quickly rushed out and never before has Dallon been this, flustered - you can say - by someone's appearance alone.

band oneshots ✧ boy x boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora