Chapter 10: Preparing.

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'Though now I am left unaware, of the thoughts which give me despair, I know things will soon become clear, as long as I know that you are somewhere near.'

(I legit made that up on the spot ok)

-Mark's POV-

I need to get things ready for later. I want what I have in store for us to help confirm what is going on between us because let's face it, we can't just ignore it. I'm pretty convinced I know how I feel but I am very new to these feelings and emotions so it's hard to say. Jack on the other hand, I can tell he is really not sure of what to think. He isn't his normal happy and quirky self. He seems a lot more reserved and at times, is avoiding eye contact with me.

Hopefully, tonight will settle this.

-Jack's POV-

"I'll be back soon!" Mark shouted as he walked out the house. He has told me that he needed to get some 'things' whatever the heck that is. I lunged onto Mark's couch and stuffed my face into the cushions. I let out a loud sigh. I hated not knowing what Mark was planning. I hated the slight headache I had leftover from this morning. I hated feeling slightly overwhelmed whenever I looked him in the eye. I hated trying to convince myself it meant nothing. I hated it.

That kiss meant something to me. Obviously, it did to Mark too. I want to be able to accept this but I can't, it's so different that it's overwhelming me. So much has happened since last night. Maybe even too much.

Mark and I had both admitted that we had never been attracted to someone of the same gender. All past relationships had been with the opposite gender. What I felt though, when I kissed Mark. I felt my heart beat out of my chest, my stomach slowly becoming a pile of mush. I felt Mark's lips against mine and I felt that it was right. I just can't wrap my head around this.

A buzz interrupted my thoughts. It was my phone which seemed to have received a text. It was from Bob.

Hey buddy, just wanting to see if everything's alright between you two. Feeling quite bad for forcing this all on you guys last night.

I smiled weakly. It's nice to know I have supportive friends. Even though it is kind of their fault all this happened.

Things aren't awesome but they aren't bad. Mark isn't here right now but he says has something planned for us later, which he won't tell me about. Also, it's fine don't feel bad about last night we were all drunk. No harm done :)

I hit send and sat up. I didn't want Bob and Wade feeling bad about this. It wasn't their fault. Entirely. 

Anyway, I should distract myself and do something productive while Mark is out. Mark's house is still in a bit of a state after last night, it could use a clean. I began picking up empty beer cans laying around, feeling disgusted with the amount I was picking up. Surely we hadn't had this much alcohol last night. The house smelt like alcohol. I smelt like alcohol. It was all just such a mess.

I finished doing a minor job at cleaning and then headed to the bathroom to try and wash off the scent of alcohol. 

-Mark's POV-

I had just left the shop, with everything that I needed. I didn't have too much as what I was planning was very simplistic. As I was heading back to my car I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I used my free hand to grab my phone and investigate. It was a text from Bob.

Mark, just what exactly are you planning?

I smiled to myself.

Something simple, effective and hopefully quite insightful.

I replied not telling him the details. I trusted Bob with my life but this was for me to deal with on my own. With of course the help of Jack later on.

-Jack's POV-

I turned off the hot shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist and heading to my temporary bedroom. I dried myself off and began getting changed into clean clothes. As I finished getting changed I heard the sound of the front door opening. I double checked to make sure I was decent before heading out of the room. 

"Hey Mark!" I smiled when I saw him. Mark didn't reply instead he just stared the living room and pointed. "Yeah I cleaned a little." He mouthed an 'oh' before turning to place the bag he was carrying on the table. For someone who had been trying to keep what he was planning a secret, he really wasn't being cautious about it. 

"Have a look in that bag if you want but it's really not going to give you much to go on!" Mark shouted as he left to go to the bathroom. I chuckled and took his word for it.


sorry this was a bad chapter and i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while!

i've been slightly stressed due to school, my job & personal stuff which demotivates me to write or in fact be productive at all.

also i'm sick right now so I really should be sleeping right now but i love you guys and I wanted to update for you.

thank you for all the support you have given this story <33

(the next chapter will be tomorrow according to my new schedule)

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