Chapter 4; Of Monsters and Men

Start from the beginning

-------------------------------------------- Unknown point of View ----------------------------------------------

"What do you think we should do?" The voice beside me sounds, his voice showing clear signs of the excitement only a wolf as young as he would be able to carry.

I look down at him with a slight frown working its way across my face, running my fingers through my hair as I control the anger which is boiling my blood. This lone wolf had trespassed on my territory, and hunted. It went against every one of my instincts to not chase after him, to hunt him down and put the fear of an alpha into him for treading on territory without my permission.

As the stranger left once again in his human form, several thoughts run through my mind at a million miles an hour. Who was this strange wolf, and what was he doing here? Especially so close to the special day. What did this stranger know? If anything at all, and all that I could pray for was that it was a coincidence for him to turn up on this of all days. But I couldn't let it just go to chance that he was passing through. That could be the death of me if it turned out to be incorrect all together.

"There is only one thing for us to do, we need to find out why he is here, under normal circumstances I would contact his alpha. It appears as though he is a lone wolf though, so that is out of the question. It is up to us to find out why he is here. Come on, lets get back to the pack and formulate a plan." I say decisively, then in silence we turn and walk away.


Despite myself, I am a little excited to be able to get out and do a mission. It had been a while since I had received something which truly sparked my interest, and usually were rather mundane and easily completed missions that I only did in order to keep the job which I loved. This one however, was proving to be something very different.

A small glass of sparkling champagne beside my hand, and well dressed in a slightly too large, but not by much tuxedo. I felt surprisingly ready and optimistic for what the chances for this evening might hold for me. It was now or never, and it would be unlikely that I would get such a chance to gain intel on this subject again, it was important that everything went just the way that it was being planned.

I look through the pair of binoculars on a thin stick that I had taken from the chair in front of me. However I was not currently using it to look down at the stage directly below where I sit, instead of the man who sits directly in front of me. Though the distance between us is almost twenty or so feet, I capture his every movement. Making notes of it in my brain, though I will not take my opportunity to strike until the intermission.

The theatre room slowly but steadily fills up as people file in, until it is at a little under maximum capacity, a few empty seats still scattered throughout the audience. Soon silence had fallen across the room and the play had begun. However I do not pay much attention, I am too busy concentrating on how this night is going to go through. Memorising the plan of action and going through it again and again in my head, though things rarely go wrong with something as simple as this, it is better to be safe then sorry.

Soon enough, the time has passed by until it is half time and the theatre slowly empties from either side and I wait for a moment. Looking towards my target and holding my breath for just a moment, I wont move until he begins to do so. At his side stands a young woman, from the looks of it he is a little over forty and well off. It wouldn't be too difficult to convince her to leave should I really need her to, if worst comes to worst.

At last the man lifts himself into a standing position and walks away, I wait a few seconds. Not wanting to make it obvious that I am following him. I hesitate, looking from side to side for just a moment before making my way through the nearest door and following the scent of my prey. Holding myself back from the excitement that races through my veins, I am eager to learn more about what this mystery may have to hold.

My wolf is growing restless at me, he is desperate to get going and get what we have come here to find out. It is not that easy, but trying to convince him of this is easier said than done, and he is constantly in the back of my mind, trying to take over more control then I am currently allowing him to have.

Then the man does something that I was not expecting, and in fairness it makes me hesitate in surprise when I see what he does. The woman who had been accompanying him, had remained back at the seats, and he ducks out from the main corridor and into a nearby room. Glancing around him to check whether or not he was being followed, thankfully though he doesn't seem to notice me from where he is standing and returns to the room.

From the map that I had memorised in the last few days, I know that approximately eighty percent of the rooms in this theatre were accompanied by a side room or closet of some form, due to the use of most of the rooms that weren't play rooms, being used as dressing rooms or places to put props when they were not in use. I look around praying for good fortune, and thankfully spot a small side door leading to a closet to the left of the room that the man had entered a moment before.

All that I can hear is the muffled sound of voices from the room next door, and with a great deal of caution I carefully open up the door leading into the next room. Knowing full well that if I am caught, it will be the end of me. It is a consequence that I will have to live with though, and thankfully no one seems to notice the now slightly ajar door.

"For the love of God Oliver, you told me that this was going to be a lot easier then this." The cruel tone of the man I have been following sends a shiver down my spine, it is so full of hate and anger, like the coldest ice.

Another voice, not nearly as concerned by the tone of his companion then I am, replies in a calm and very British accent. "It is all just a formality sir, there is nothing to be concerned about, I will have the men you are looking for by Saturday, I promise you." He says calmly, by this point I barely dare to let out a breath for fear I might be heard. I am beginning to think that this was a bad idea on my part.

What was just a formality? Robert had told me that this would be a simple meet and greet, with an exchange of information, but this didn't seem to be what was happening. This was more like a meet up to threaten and arrange another meeting. It made me feel a little uneasy as I listened to the conversation going on meters away from my face.

"Meet up with me again the same time tomorrow, the usual place, and bring the candidates. Have them ready, or you will have hell to pay Oliver."

I hesitate, I didn't have a clue where they could be talking about, and it may put me in only further danger having to find out where they will be headed. If that's what it takes though, I know I will have little other choice but to do my best to track them down once again. It wont be easy, but then again it rarely ever is.

"Yes sir, I know the drill." Replies the second stranger with a surprising sense of humour to his voice when he spoke, it was almost chilling.

"Good. Make sure they are ready, and don't be a moment late." That was when I heard the door click behind them as they exited from the room, and left me alone with my thoughts as I try to figure out the mess that I have gotten myself into.

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