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A few hours after I'd called Sam, I woke up for the day ahead.

My toes felt like they were about to fall off so I looked down with a frown and saw my foot was sticking out of my rumpled duvet. I quickly yanked it back inside. With a shiver, my attention turned to my window. The sky behind my curtains was a mask of grey and white and my breath caught in my throast as a flurry of white swished past. Was it...?

I scrambled to steady myself on my foot before I hopped to the window, hopefulness filling me. As soon as I saw the thick blankets of white covering every surface, I let out a shriek of happiness.

A loud thump came from the room next to mine and I knew I'd woken Genie. There were fumbles, thumps and curses through the wall before she came into my room, her expression priceless.

"It's snowing!" I exclaimed.

Genie groaned after she saw I wasn't hurt and stretched her arms above her head in a cat-like move before walking over to me. "It's not even half six, Kins. I need more sleep."

"But, it's snowing!" I protested, jamming my finger against the glass. Was I acting like I was five? Yes. Did I care? Not a damn bit.

She yawned. "This is my only day for a lie in, the only place I'm headed is back under my covers. Later." She nudged my shoulder lightly with hers and pretty much sleepwalked back to her room.

I watched her walk back to her room before I grinned and pressed my hand to the freezing glass, watching the snow float down in gentle swoops. Christmas was fast on the approach. As I moved back to bed, my mind flicked to the early hours of that morning. Sam... remembering that I'd called him so early, I almost screamed at myself. What was I thinking? But—but the dream felt too real, too real to ignore. I never, ever got dreams like that.

Soon enough, I found myself standing outside the entrance to the school pool, waiting for Jess. I was perched on the half wall nearby after I brushed away the thick snow, flames of white fluttered down around me and I caught some with my gloved hand, relishing in the beauty despite the numbness of my face.

"Hey, let's go."

I jumped, hearing Jess's voice right next to me.

"Jeez! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I gasped, holding my chest.

She blew out a laugh and tightened her scarf around her neck. We linked arms and walked toward the main school building with only a few minutes to spare before the bel was bell was to go off.

"So, I'm thinking we should all get together and do something. You, me, Harv and Tyler?" Jess suggested.

I frowned slightly. Tyler... Had he really done that to Sam's face? I needed to find out.

"Um, sure what you thinking?" I couldn't let Jess know anything was wrong.

"Well the bowling alley just opened back up after the decorating stuff, we could go there and then dinner?"

That sounded good, I liked bowling and me and my friends hadn't hung out outside of school in a while. Though, I needed to talk to Tyler to see what had happened, I couldn't believe he would actually do that, not the Tyler I knew.

"Yeah let's do it," I told her and Jess grinned.

"How's Sunday night?"

"I think Ty has a team meet on Sunday," I told her after a moment of thinking.

She scoffed, waving me off. "It won't take him all day, besides he'd never miss the opportunity to show off his bowling skills."

I thought about how he gave Sam such a hard time during class about that and had to take a deep breath. Yeah, I definitely needed to talk with him.

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