Chapter IV

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I open my eyes and I find myself in my room. Lights are on and my whole body aches; a pleasant pain, though. I hear someone else's breath behind me. James. He rests his arm on me and sheets cover part of our naked bodies. I need to see his face. I turn around very slowly trying not to wake him up and I find him sleeping more peacefully than ever. He looks like a little boy, not only because of the way he sleeps, but because of his features too. His eyes are closed and they seem as perfect as when they are open. His mouth is also shut and calm; his nose inhales and exhales almost following some kind of beat. His hair, as perfect as ever falling on his face. I watch him as I try to freeze this moment in my mind. I have slept with James Mc Owen. In my bed. And it was not a dream. Thank God it is a double bed, I wouldn't be perfectly comfortable if it weren't. What time is it? I look at the clock on my bedside table. Then I look at the gadgets hanging from the ceiling and I hear James making noises like trying to wake up. Such nice noises.

"Hi." James says with his head on the pillow while he wears an ear-to-ear grin without opening his mouth. His eyes show he is still tired.

He's really good-looking and I cannot get enough from him. I thought I've had enough, but... Oh, no... I want him for me all the time.

"Hi." I answer back to him and I turn to face him.

"What time is it?" he asks as he looks at the clock.

"9 p.m."

James laughs.

"Well, we were going to do the Literature assignment...and I've been here since...what time exactly?"

"Since two o'clock?" I don't know exactly, but more or less from that time.

"It's so hard to know what time it is with these shutters closed. Isn't it hard for you?"

"I'm used to it."

Then, my stomach groans.

"It seems I'm hungry" I tell him while I close my eyes trying to control my laughter.

"I hear you. I'm hungry too. Well, we didn't eat, right?" James laughs and yawns at the same time. "I do not remember what happened when we got here."

Suddenly I remember bringing milk, juice and crackers. I sit down on my bed and I search for them. Then I realize I'm naked, but that doesn't bother me. I stand up and I walk to reach the food which I've left on my desk a few hours ago.

My room is messier than it was before. My clothes and James' are all over the floor together with our underwear.

"Can we freeze this moment forever?" James asks me while he puts his head on his arm.

I reach the bed and I sit on it again. I put the food on the bed and I try to get some of James' warmth. I lay my head on his chest while we eat some crackers.

"Yes, let's do that." I answer to him after kissing his arm.

I draw circles on his perfect hands. Those same hands I watched with fervor not so many days ago. So soft and cozy.

"We should do the assignment too." he whispers in my ear.

"Bobby!" I say exaggeratedly and I turn around to face him. "We forgot about Bobby! Oh no. What if he comes and sees us like this? Or even... What if he entered the bedroom and saw us sleeping together?"

Suddenly I remember my mom saw us. Worse... She saw us already knowing what was coming next. She knows exactly what is going on between James and me. Besides, she knows I've just met him. She must think I'm a slut... She will jump into silly conclusions. And George? Did she tell George? I'm so ashamed...I'll have to give an explanation about all this. I'll get to that tomorrow. I'm not planning on moving from this very site for the following hours.

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