Chapter 6: Protective •

Start from the beginning

"Not at all. I think it's perfect."

She had picked out a white coverslip, strapless dress that ended just below the knee, with gray sparkly heels. It didn't look bad at all.

"Okay. I'll get it." She smiles widely and turns toward me, her smile widening even more if that was possible.

"Wow. That dress looks amazing on you." She compliments and I smirk, looking in the mirror. The black slim strapless dress hugs my hips tightly, and the navy blue blazer fits my bust perfectly. It looks casual if anything for a club.

"Thank you. Black is slimming." I comment and add up the price in my head. Not too bad for this store. "If we spend any more time in here, I might regret spending all this money."

We quickly get changed and pay for our dresses and the blazer. Arden and I walk to the car, and soon enough, arrive home. I quickly got the bags out of the trunk and locked the car before walking up to the door. Carly didn't have her key besides the car one and she looked at the door solemnly.

"Here." I laugh, pulling out my key and opening the door.

As soon as I close the door, a loud laugh rings throughout the place. And it wasn't Arden's.

There's someone here.

I turned around and saw Arden, frozen with fear. I grab one of the umbrellas off the rack and start to tip toe up the stairs.

"Wait!" Arden whispers. "What if they are dangerous?"

"Then grab the other umbrella." I whisper like its obvious. She does so, and we both started tip toeing up the stairs.

To say this situation was freighting, was the least I could say. TV lighting from the den bounced off the hallway walls, only emitting a small amount of light, and it didn't help the blackness that covered the area. It was hard to even navigate without hitting a wall, or Arden falling into me. Once we had made it to our rooms hall, I stepped with caution.

As soon as my foot stepped around the corner, a hand tried grabbing me from in front of my body and I practically screamed, making the captivator scream also. I almost dropped the umbrella but I kept a firm hold and began hitting the figure in front of me.

I don't fuck around.

It began to groan in pain, so I halted my actions as did Arden, but I still kept my umbrella up in the air as a warning.

"Who the fuck are you?" My voice comes out shaky, more than I intended and the person groans again.

"I'm sorry, okay, it's just me!" His thick accent rings throughout the hallway and my eyes squint through the darkness to see if I'm correct.

Goddammit Harry.

"Shit... I didn't mean-" I begin to speak and when he stands, his face is contorted in pain as he stares at me. "Oops?"

"I'm so sorry Harry!" I exclaimed bending down as he clenched his stomach and groaned in pain.

"Yeah, me too." He chuckled coughing.

He got up and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed.

"Me? You guys are the ones that pelted me with umbrellas like maniacs!" He defended.

"Well, what the hell are you doing in my house?" I argued.

"Oh.. well um... Zayn kind of took Arden's key and let us in! We came to suprise you guys!" He answered smiling.

"Well, great suprise." I mumbled sarcastically.

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