"No I was confused because I thought you were being serious. I would never join you, I'd rather die." she shouted.

"Oh honey, you are much to valuable to get killed. The immense power that runs through your veins is not going to be waisted. No that would be your sister. I already have men in trucks waiting to go kill her. Right now she is defenseless and in a deep sleep."

Right now you could see tears streaming down Elsa's face.

"Elsa there is not enough time to save yourself, but there might be time to save others. Join me."

"Right now, I'd be worried about who's going to save you." she said and Pitch glared and punched her in the stomach.

Then the camera in the cafeteria showed everything being blown up. All of the lights in the entire place started to flicker.

"Guys what is happening?" Punzie asked.

"I don't know!" Hiccup said confused. Then another one went off in an airshaft right above where Elsa was cracking the ceiling.

Pitches face was terrified, while Elsa's was determined. She pulled herself up by the cuffs, and yanked down hard on them. She fell to the floor in a perfect crouch.

"SHE'S LOOSE!" Pitch shouted, and power walked out of the room. Elsa wrapped the chains around her arms, and two men walked in.

She spun the chains around screaming, and we all closed our eyes knowing what the outcome would be. When we opened our eyes again Elsa was out of the room and had gotten free of the chains, and the heavy parts of the chains had bashed the two Nightmares heads in. All that remained was two faceless men surrounded in a pool of their own blood, a cracked ceiling, and two empty chains.

Third Person POV

(A/N: If you are feeling to lazy to read this POV or I do a crappy job of writing it, it is in the media section.)

The Big Four watched the screens as they were scrambling to find Elsa.

"Elsa's taking the elevator to the surface." said a nerd in the control room.

"Shut it down!" the man in charge said.

"Done! It stopped." said the nerd.

"Where?" The guy asked. Both of them turned and looked outside to the training room, both scared.  Everyone; big four and Nightmares looked at each other worried, praying she wasn't coming to that floor. The room was full of assassins.

DING! The elevator door opens, and Elsa stands there looking at her surroundings.

"ELSA!" one of the assassins yelled.

Elsa walked out and hit a random guy in the throat, followed by elbowing him there. He collapsed to the ground either dead or dying.

Another one ran up and tried to kick her, but she slapped his leg down and blocked his punch. She quickly moved her elbow and hit him in the face with it. Another one came at her while she was attacking, but she must have seen it. Elsa ducked and his arm went straight over her body. Some guy though kicked her from behind, and she was thrusted forward into a pair of dumbbells.

She let out a little noise, then picked up the dumbbell. She hurled it at the guy that kicked her, and knocked him straight to the ground possibly cracking his ribs.

The assassin that she elbowed in the face was back up, and tried to kick her again. She ducked to the ground, then picked up a weight that was intended for the dumbbell bar. He tried to kick her again, but she slapped his foot with the weight, followed by his face. Elsa saw he was still up, so she hit him in the face one last time, and he was out.

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