Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

That night Ithaca had a very hard time sleeping as she was worried about her friends. She was also pissed as that damn curse kept moaning even louder than before. Since she was now completely up, she started looking around and still noticed that Stacy, Rosalind and Jaimie were still missing.

Worried worse then a mother hen, she headed over tours the main door. When she opened it, she saw a young woman not much older then her standing there in her stone state. Cadel was still in his stone state too with Reyna next to him.

"It's ok. It's just me." Ithaca tried to assured her but she still didn't move. Smiled, she added, "I know about everyone here, Lord Cadel had told me." Within just a blink of an eye, she came to life.

Smiling warmly, she bowed slightly as she said, "Your highness. How my I help thee." Still amused on how they talk, Ithaca asked, "Have you heard any word on my friends?" Seeing her smile fade, she already knew the answer as the woman replied, "I am sorry your grace, I have not heard any word on them yet." Nodding sadly, she turned and went back into the room.

Ithaca sat in one of the chairs while Angela slept. She was so lost in her thoughts she jumped when she heard, "Any word on the other?" Looking up she saw Angela setting up from the bed.

Seeing Ithaca shaking her head, she then asked, "Are they even still looking for them?" Rubbing her face with the palms of her hand, Ithaca said, "Lord Cadel gave me his word that they will not stop, only to rest. I believe him. I'm just hoping we will hear something today."

With everything going on, Ithaca needed a well deserve shower. She knew Angela wanted on too but before she could get up, they heard the door open. Turning, Ithaca was hoping to see Cadel but she was disappointed when she saw Reyna.

"Morning." Ithaca smiled as Reyna made her way over. Chuckling to herself as she could see that Ithaca was disappointed in see her and not Cadel. Reyna replied "Morning. I just came in to see if you two were up."

Before Ithaca could opened her mouth to ask, Angela cut her off by asking, "Is there any way we can take a shower and get something to eat? I didn't eat much yesterday nor did I get to clean off."

Looking over at Ithaca who was agreeing, Reyna bowed slightly, "I will see what I can do." As she started turning around, she stopped as she just remembered something. Turning her attention back to Ithaca, she added, "My Grace. Lord Cadel would like to see you outside please."

Seeing Ithaca's eyes light up, Reyna choked down a chuckle and replaced it with a warm smile. She also started to feel sad for her as she knew that there would be nothing more then a wishful dream to have a romantic relationship with Lord Cadel.

Agreeing, Ithaca got up and followed Reyna out to the hall. Once out, she started looking around, a warm loving smile slowly spread across her lips when she saw Cadel, "Good Morning." "Good morrow, your highness." He smiled back with the same love as hers.

Restraining his self from taking her lips, he burst out, "We need to start training." Seeing her smile soften more she shook her head. Surprised at her, he told her, "We must train. There is still more I must teach you before the curse decides to strike."

Shaking her head again, she could see that he was now getting annoyed but before he could say anything she countered, "We must shower and eat first."

Seeing Cadel thinking hard about it, Ithaca whined, "Come on Cadel, Lord Cadel." She corrected herself quickly. "I really need to take a shower I feel so groddy and my muscles are a bit sore." Chuckling Lord Cadel replied, "A princess never whines in front of her knights or people."

Legacy Castle  (Ithaca PanDraco Series Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora