Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Ithaca was worried as she watched Stacy and Rosalind head out the door, "What's wrong?" Jaimie asked seeing that something was up. Shaking her head, Ithaca sighed, "I don't want to scare you."

Giving her a questioning look, Jaimie asked, "Is it the curse you told me about?" Nodding she said, "Yes. I can feel it. It had been dormant for a long time but it is still strong. The weight of the curse is heavy on me. Outside I could see parts of it covering the castle but I can't in here. I know it had been awaken as I can hear it moaning every now and them. But I did feel safer in here then anywhere else."

"Did the scroll tell you what this curse does?" he asked. "No. But I think I have an idea." "Really?" Jaimie replied. "But I'm not sure just yet. I guess I'll take a look around too so I can figure it out."

Seeing how much Ithaca was worried, Jaimie decided, "Then why don't I do this." he started off, "Why don't I go with Stacy and Rosalind to make sure that they do get back here once it's dark. If they want to argue, I'll treat them the way they are treating you as I'll bitch slap them all the way back here. Then once we leave. We'll have our cat fight then."

As she couldn't help but laugh at his words, Ithaca smiled wearily as she told him, "Just please be careful. I don't know what this curse does or how it would attack." Jaimie bowed as he tried to lighten the tension, "Yes my lady. I will do my best."

Laughing as she watched Jaimie leave, she heard Angela asked, "So what do you think this curse does?"

Sighing Ithaca walked over to a woman statue, sadness felled her words as she answered, "I think the curse changes people into stone." Stunned, Angela blurted out, "You're shitting me right?"

Shaking her head, Ithaca continued, "Have you noticed how many statues there were just on the first floor? Not even a normal Medieval castle has that many." "So you're saying that there is some sort of Medusa curse up in here?" Angela muttered as she walked over and stood beside her best friend.

Seeing her best friend's head nod, Angela added by asking, "Then how are you supposed to break something like that when you cannot even look at it?" "I don't know but I know I must defeat it or die trying." Here was determination in her tone and look.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Angela suggested, "Why don't we give this a rest for now and go look around?" Rubbing her face with the palms of her hands, Ithaca agreed.

Looking around that floor, they found a Library with a Study Room that connects to the Den where they would be sleeping. Again there were statues in the Study and Library. On down the hall there were three bedrooms, two on the left and one to the right if you if you came out from the Den and looked down the hall where they had come from the stairs.

Moving on to the next floor, they found nothing but bedrooms. Ithaca was surprised that everyone they found had their own private bathroom. "Ithaca? I don't know a lot about castles or the Middle Ages but I really don't think they had bathrooms like these." "I agree but I guess since this some sort of magic castle, it adapts with the times. That is the only explanation I can think of because there were also hot water heaters too here."

Moving up to the last floor, they found four more bedrooms but there was one room that took up half that floor. "Wow, this must be your room." Angela cooed as they walked in to what appeared to be another Den.

Once they were inside, Ithaca didn't go very far as something had caught the corner of her eye. Looking over tours the right side, in the corner up against the wall looking at the door, there was a statue of a man. While she made her way over tours the statue, Angela made her way further in and quickly disappeared within the room.

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