Chapter One

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Chapter 1

"Mom." Ithaca PanDraco was getting annoyed as she told her story over again while they sat at the table eating Sunday dinner.

"I've already told you that I am spending my birthday with a few of my friends this year." "But sweet heart. We always celebrated your birthday as a family." Erissa Brereton, her step-mom tried to plead with her.

"I know. That is my point. We always celebrate it together but this year I really want to be with my friends." Sighing in disappointment Erissa took a bite of her ham as they were setting at the table having Sunday dinner.

Coming up with an idea, Erissa suggested, "How about we invite your friends over for a sleepover that night? Then afterwards you all could leave that following day to do something."

Shaking her head, Ithaca told her, "We have been planning this ever since school had started." Erissa opened her mouth but before she could say anything, Ithaca's step-father interrupted, "Let it be Erissa." "But Aragorn..." He raised his hand to silence her.

"I do not like it neither but Ithaca is now becoming a young lady that can make her own decisions. She will be turning seventeen within a few days. So we need have faith in her that we have raised her right."

Ithaca notices that something was different about her step-parents. It wasn't just the disappointment in their faces, but something else. Something they weren't telling her. Even when she glanced over at her step-brother Cerdic who she was very close had the same expression. But as for her step-sister Jacelyn. She was shaking her head with more of a disgusted look on her face.

Her and Jacelyn never did see eye to eye but Jacelyn was always there when Ithaca when she needed her the most.

Growing up was harder on Ithaca compared to her step-sister. Her step-parents were a lot stricter on her as they kept a closer eye on what she does. They did how ever let her join martial arts when she was old enough.

When school had started, that was worse time for Ithaca as she was always picked on by the other students.

She was very pretty with naturally thick, semi curly strawberry blond hair that went just slightly above the middle of her back. Her thick brown eyebrows with long dark eyelashes that brought out her ice green eyes.

But they picked on her because her last name sounded funny and that she had pointy ears as they necked named her Spock.

During her first two years of high school, she had put her martial arts to work as she had gotten into fights several times as she had taking up for herself. But by her junior year, things had started to calm down as everyone knew that she could kick their asses if they start trouble.

Growing more annoyed, Ithaca was about to say something until Jacelyn blurted out, "Why not go ahead and just tell her. It's not like it really matters here anyways." "Jacelyn!" both her parents yelled.

Jacelyn wanted to say more but decided it would be best to keep her mouth shut. But she had said enough and the damage had been done as Ithaca asked, "What is she talking about? Tell me what really doesn't matter?"

Looking from one parent to the other waiting for one of them to say something. But when they did not she looked over at Cerdic. "Do you know?" She asked as she gave them time to answer but when he didn't answer either, she turning to Jacelyn. "Since no one will to tell me. What did you mean by what you said?"

Hearing Jacelyn huff, she could see that she wanted to tell her but she kept her mouth shut. Now Ithaca was starting to get pissed as no one would tell her what they were all hiding.

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