Chapter 23

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After what seemed like hours of Ella questioning Drake we finally left and went back to my house.

“Your friends scare me, but they seem nice.” He said while we were driving.

“Yeah, sorry about all of the questions Ella asked you.” I said.

“It’s okay. I know they mean well. They just want to make sure that I’m not some creep.”

“I guess so.”

-----3 Days Later-----

Me and Drake were packing because we are going back to WhiteHedge tomorrow and my parents were having a difficult time coping with the fact that I was leaving again. I was in my room and my mom mother was helping me pack up my things.

“Stacey, you know you don’t need to leave. You can stay here.” Mom said. I looked at her sadly.

“Mom, I need to go back. Me and Drake have the apartment and school will be starting soon and I’ll have to enroll to graduate.”

“You can come back and enroll in school here and graduate here, and then you can go off to college.”

“I plan on going to college. But I also plan on enrolling in school back in WhiteHedge.”

“Your father and I just don’t want to lose you again. You already left us once I don’t think I could handle it again.” I could see tears forming in her eyes.

“Mom, your not losing me, I’ll be back to visit.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.” Then we hugged.

-----Next Morning-----

My father was taking me and Drake to the airport. When we got there Drake got out of the car and I followed. I went up to my dad’s window.

“Thanks for driving us dad.”

“No problem dear, and Stacey…”

“Yeah, dad?”

“If you need anything call me and you are always welcome home.” I smiled.

“Thanks dad. I’ll come back to visit soon. Bye.”

“Don’t worry sir, I will take care of your daughter.” Drake said.

“I believe you Drake. Take care!” Dad sad patting Drake’s back.

Me and Drake walked into the airport and got onto our flight.

I felt bad for leaving them again but I will be back soon, I ‘m sure of it.

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