Chapter 11

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---Stacey’s POV---

*My Dream*

I was with my parents, we were all sitting in the living room watching  TV. I didn’t know what I was doing there. My parents were talking but it didn’t sound like they were saying anything. Then it changed and I was at Cindy’s pool, with her and Ella, Jill and Stella. We were all in the pool swimming, but I was on the diving board about to jump off with all of them staring at me when it changed again. I was now on a beach at sunset with Drake. We were holding hands, our fingers were intertwined. Drake looked at me and he started leaning in, and I think I was leaning in too. We got closer…..

That’s when I woke up.

I sat there in bed trying to make sense of what happened in that dream. What were my parents talking about? Why were they all staring at me? Were me and Drake going to kiss?


He was still lying right next to me. He looked adorable when he was asleep. What was I going to do? I don’t know if I like him or not. I poked him so he would wake up.

“Hmmm….Stacey, you okay?” he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

“Yeah I just wanted to wake you up and thank you for sleeping in here with me.”

“No problem.” He said while getting up and leaving. I followed behind him. We both sat at the kitchen counter and ate cereal in silence. After about 5 minutes of silence I spoke.

“Well, I got to go find a job.” I got up and went to take a shower and got ready then I set out for job hunting part 2. The first place I checked was a restaurant. It was a cute little restaurant that served home style cooking like breakfast foods and stuff like that. I walked up to a guy standing behind a counter that seemed around my age with brown hair and only few inches taller than me.

“Hey, are you guys hiring?” I asked him.

“Actually yes we are.” He said sweetly.

“Can I get an interview or an application or something?”

“Well can you take orders?”


“Can you be nice to customers?”


“Can you hold a tray and serve food to the customers?”


“Then you are hired.” He smiled. I was kinda in shock.

“That’s it. That’s all I need to be hired?” I asked him unsure.


“Cool. When do I start?”

“Can you start right now?”

“Yes I can.”

“Okay, good. Here…” he handed me and apron with a pen and notepad. “Put this on and I will show you what to do.”

He showed me how to take orders and work with the customers and everything. In between I learned his name is Jason. He is 18 and has lived in Whitehedge his whole life. I worked from about 10 this morning to about 6 at night. I was exhausted. I walked home half asleep. When I got Drake was sitting on the couch messing with his guitar. I went and sat next to him.

“Hey, where have you been all day?” he asked.

“Well I got a job at a restaurant a few blocks away from here. And I was working all day.”

“Well that’s great, congrats.” He said smiling at me, but I could sense that there was something bugging him.

“Is everything alright?” I asked him.

“Well…. I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about ‘us’ and I was wondering, do you like me back?”

I just stared at him unsure of what to say.

“Well, I…..”

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