Chapter 18

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She finally spoke.

“Well, what’s his name?”


“How did you meet him?”

“I kind of picked him up off the side of the road when I was driving here….”

“WHY WOULD YOU PICK SOMEONE UP OFF THE STREET?!” she screamed. I flinched. She never really yelled before.

“Well, he was going the same way I was going and I just thought why not to pick him.”

“That is no excuse!” she was still screaming but not as loud.

“Mom calm down. Breath, breath.”

“Okay, okay I am calm.” She said slowly. “So tell me more about him.”

“Well, honey I just want you to be happy. I guess, but I’m still disappointed that you didn’t have the common sense to NOT pick someone up off the street.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry mom.”

“It’s okay. So when are you two coming down?”

“In a few weeks I think.”

“Okay that’s great. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Yeah, bye mom I need to go.”

“Okay, bye.” Then she hung up.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

“That went better that planned.” I said. Drake was just smiling at me. “What?” I asked him.

“You think I’m sweet.” He said. I laughed at him. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. I gladly kissed him back.

(Sorry guys for such a short chapter.!)

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