Chapter 12

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“Well…I……I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure that out. I’m sorry Drake I just don’t know.” I looked at the floor.

“It’s okay. I know you are stressed out about your parents and I don’t want to rush you to make a decision.” He smiled at me. He’s so sweet. GOD!!! Why does he have to be so sweet?!?!?!

“Why do you have to be so sweet and nice and kind?” I said frustrated. “Why does this have to be so difficult?” I put my head in my hands.

“Stacey it’s okay, just don’t worry about it.” He got up and went into his room. After that I fell asleep. Right there on the couch.

---Stacey’s Dream---

I was back at the beach with Drake, except it was different. We were in the water, just messing around. We were splashing each other, laughing, Drake picked me up on his arms. He went to kiss me and I went to kiss him back…closer….closer…

I woke up.

Are you kidding me?! Again!? This is getting weird, wait what is that. That feeling. Oh My God. I know how I feel about Drake.

---Drake’s POV---

I felt kinda bad leaving her out there alone, but I know see needs time to think. I feel asleep after hours of staying awake thing about Stacey.

When I woke up in the morning Stacey was on the couch. She was awake. She was just string at the ceiling.

“Uhhh…Stacey?” her eyes snapped over to me.

“Hey Drake.” She got off the couch.

“Are you doing better?” I asked her while she put some toast in the toaster.

“Yeah. I am actually a lot better.” She said with a smile.

“Well, that’s good. I was getting worried about you.”

“No need to worry. I’m totally fine. But I do have to get to work.” She said while walking to her room.

She came out a few minutes later in jeans and a plain red shirt that matched here shoes. No make-up, she looked better that way.

“Oh and I figured it out.” She said to me and walked out of the door leaving me standing there confused.

She figured it out? Figured out what?

Does she mean if she likes me or not?

---Stacey’s POV---

When I got to work Jason was already there.

“Hey Jason.” I said with a smile.

“Hey. Someones happy today.”

“Its better to be happy than sad.”

“True. Hey do you wanna hang out today after our shifts?” he asked.

“Yeah sure.” Soon enough the end of our shifts came. And we went to central park and sat at the fountain. The sun was going down and we had sat there just talking for an hour.

“Well I gotta get home, Drake is probably worried.”

“Drake? Oh, is he your boyfriend?” he looked kinda disappointed.

“Well, no, but I…well…’s complicated. I actually have to go talk to him.”

“Okay, thanks I’ll see you tomorrow.” I walked back to the apartment.

“DDDDDDRRRRRRAAAAAAAKKKKKKKEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed when I walked in the door.

“WWWHHAATTT???” he screamed from his room. I walked in and was reading a book.

“I figured it out.” I said while sitting on his bed.

“Figured out what?”

“My feelings….about you.” His face snapped from his book to me.

“ figured it out?....”


“Well, how do you feel about me?”


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