Chapter 22

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Today I was taking Drake to Ella’s house to meet my friends. It was 11:30am and he was still sleeping. Oh, hell no. I creeped into his room and then jumped on his bed while I screamed ‘good morning’ in his ear. He fell off the bed and I laughed at him.


“You can be really big pain in the waist, you know that.” He said while getting off the floor.

“I know. Come on, get dressed we are going to see my friends today!” I smiled widely.

“Okay, fine. Now get out unless you want me to change in front of you.”

“Nope, wait! I’m leaving.” I quickly got out of there. A few minutes later when he came out he was wearing gray jeans, a t-shirt with a black hoodie. We were on our way to Ella’s house.

Soon we reached. I knocked on Ella’s door, no answer. I opened the door, it was unlock.

“Ella?” I yelled.

“Who is it?” she called back from nowwhere.

“It’s me, Stacey and with me Drake.” I called back.

“in the backyard!” I pulled Drake out the back door onto the small deck I looked around and Ella wasn’t there.

“Up here!” Ella said. She was on the roof of her house with Jill, Cindy and Stella. You could easily get onto the roof by stepping on a stool.

“Stacey!” Ella screamed and then she jumped off the roof onto me. We both were on the ground.

“Stacey we missed you!!” Ella said while getting off me, we both stood up and hugged each other. Jill, Cindy and Stella also joined in on the hug.

“I missed you guys, too.” I said. We all pulled apart. Drake was just standing there awkwardly.

“Guys, this is Drake. Drake this is Ella, Jill, Cindy and Stella.” I said pointing to each of them.

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Drake said with a smile. Ella had a questioning look on her face while she circled him, looking up and down.

“Ella, what are you doing?” I looked at her like she was crazy.

“I am looking at hum, duh.” She walked away from him and came over to me. “Now drake what are your intentions with our Stacey?” Ella questioned.

“Ummm, too date her.” He said unsure. Ella shook her head in disappointment. Drake looked at me in a ‘what do I do?’ kind of look.

“Okay you guys are scaring him.” I said walking over to him.

“Oh relax Stacey, we just want to get to know him better.” Cindy said mischievously.

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