Chapter 19

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-----3 Weeks Later-----

Me and Drake just got off the plane and are now driving over to my house to see my parents.

“I haven’t seen them in almost 3 months, wow.” I said.

“I just hope that they like me.” He sounded worried.

“Don’t worry, they will absolutely love you.” I kissed his cheek.

Soon enough we got there and we knocked on the front door. My mom opened the door.

“Stacey!” she got me trapped in a tight hug.

“Hi… mom…can’t…breath…” I choked out.

“Oh, sorry honey.” She let go. “It’s just I haven’t seen my own daughter in like 3 months. And you must be Drake?” they shook hands.

“Well come in, come in.” We all walked inside. My dad was sitting at the dining room table working on his laptop.

“Hey, dad.” I hugged him.

“Stacey, darling. I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too, dad.” We let go.

“And this must be Drake, right?” my dad said while looking Drake up and down and shaking his hand.

“Nice to meet you, sir.” Drake said nervously. My dad puts a serious face on. Oh, no…

“Drake I would like to talk to you for few moments. Please follow me into the living room. Stacey go help your mom with the dinner.” Said my dad. Drake looked scared.

“Dad, what are you doing?” I questioned.

“What? I can’t have a man to man chat with Drake here?”

“No, you cannot.” I said while grabbing Drake’s arm.

“Oh, calm down Stacey. It’ll only be few moments.” They walked over to the living room. I went to the kitchen to help mom while trying to hear what they were saying.

“What are they talking?!” I said frustrated.

“Relax, honey. I bet you dad just wants to ask Drake about himself, you know, to get to know him better. Now come help me with dinner.” I gave up, I’ll just ask Drake what they talked about later.

“I’m sorry mom I left without telling you…” I said awkwardly. My mom looked at me.

“Honey, it’s okay. I mean I was scared and sad at first but then I realized that you are amlost an adult and you can handle yourself.”

“You are the best mom ever.”

“I know.” She giggled.

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