Chapter 2

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I maneuvered my way out of his grip, by turning round. So I wasn’t facing him, and sliding down. Into a crouch, before sprinting forwards. I was running towards the closest tree, keeping away from the pack members, who were already chasing after me. I was just about to the closest tree, when a hand, yanked on my arm. Making me fall backwards onto my butt. I looked up to see Alpha Jay, looking down at me. With a furious expression. His eyes were as black as a crow’s wing. His wolf was in control. He reached down, grabbed my waist. And hoistered me over his shoulder. He started a brisk walk in the opposite direction. He walked for what seemed ages. Until we reached a clearing, where a wooden house was. He walked into the house, and into one of the rooms. Before he placed me down, and locked the door.

            “My names Jay, what’s yours mate?” He asked me. I didn’t reply. He didn’t look thrilled, that I didn’t answer his question. He gave a frustrated sigh, and frowned. “Who were those people to you?” He sought. I didn’t reply again. He growled. Jay walked towards me, and grabbed my wrist. Jay pulled me into his chest. “My mate, will respect me, you will be a good little mate, and do what I want.” He demanded. I am not going to do anything for him. His thumb slid across my cheek, and whipped away one of my tears. “It’s ok love” he cooed. I slapped away his hand, and pulled out of his grasp. He didn’t just watch his only family get murdered by the one person who is meant to love you unconditionally. He growled threatening and stalked towards me. I backed myself up against the wall. He was shaking slightly, when his hand came down on my cheek, hard. More tears were rolling down my cheeks, from the pain and shock of him hitting me.

            “Don’t. Touch. Me” I whispered. His expression showed that he was shocked. Maybe from hitting me, maybe from me having spoken.

            “So you can speak” he raised an eye brow questioningly. He sat down on the bed, as if waiting for me to say something. “Are you going to tell me your name? Or shall I find out a different way?” He asked threateningly. I didn’t reply. “Do you know what a mark does?” He enquired. I frowned and shook my head. He stood up and walked towards me, so he was standing right in front of me. He looked down at me and smirked. “Well, once you’re marked. You will belong to me forever. I will be able to read your thoughts, call out your wolf, and make you do anything I want.” He finished, drawing out the anything. I gulped. “Now would you like to tell me you name? Or shall I put a beautiful mark on your beautiful neck?” He asked innocently. I wanted nothing more than to kick him where the sun don’t shine.

            “Lucy” was all I said.

            “Lucy” he repeated, admiring my name. “How old are you?” he implored. His brown eyes staring into mine, demanding that I answer him.

            “13” I whispered. He looked taken aback, that I was so young. I didn’t look old; I was about 5 foot 1, with long wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes. I had freckles, and was starting to get pimples. Oh the joys of being a teenager. Sadly Jay on the other hand was massive, at least 6 feet, and was ripped. Like all other male were wolfs. He had short brown hair and brown eyes.

A/N sorry for any mistakes with the height measurements, I normally use centermetres and metres. Anyway hope you enjoyed ^_^ 

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