I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

Looking around I realized that now was probably my chance. Who knew if I was going to get another one anytime soon. Austin was probably off venting somewhere, so I might as well get this over with. I sighed as I got up and then chuckled slightly. It was like doing something on a To Do list. Item #1: Get tortured by Austin and his father. Item #2: Have Austin heal you. Item #3: Find out I'm pregnant. Item #4: Puke my guts up. Item #5: Kill myself. I laughed again and shook my head as I walked over to the glass doors that lead to the balcony. How I was able to make my suicide into a joke, I'll never know. As I walked out the doors the wind brushed across my skin, making me shiver, and I remembered I was completely naked. I huffed and went over to the closet, pulling on a pair of Austin's boxers and a light blue button-up shirt. I was impatient to get this over with. I ran back over to the doors and then walked swiftly over to the balcony railing. It was a long way down and I gulped. Better close my eyes as I did this. I was not a very big fan of heights and we were very high up. I took a deep breath and then pulled myself up, swinging one foot and then another over until I was sitting on the railing. I let my feet touch the little bit of concrete that was still exposed on the other side of the rails, leaning forward a little. I still gripped the railing tightly behind me. My position reminded me of Rose in the movie Titanic. She was leaning over the rail of the ship, about to jump, but Jack stopped her. There would be no Jack to stop me, though.

I let my fingers loosen a little. My hands were starting to sweat a little, but I was still able to hang on. As I looked down at the ground, so far away, I let my mind run through every moment I had with Austin, good or bad. I thought of his perfect features and perfect voice, the glare he gave me the first time we met and the sweet smile he had given me this morning. The look of lust in his eyes as he took in my naked body and the look of love in his eyes as I leaned into him, our lips nearly touching. I smiled as I thought of that, letting my fingers loosen just a little bit more. I knew what I wanted my last thoughts to be. I smiled widely as I leaned all my weight forward, thinking of my first kiss with him. I thought of the way it felt when he drank my blood and the way it felt when his lips touched mine. I lingered on the feeling of his soft lips moving in synchronization with mine, his tongue gently pressing against mine as I let go of the railing completely.

I expected there to be a huge rush of wind. I expected it to take my stomach and then to feel pain as I slammed into the ground. But there was nothing. Nothing except for two strong cold hands wrapped around my wrists. My eyes were still squeezed tightly shut and I barely felt it as I was suddenly lifted in the air. I opened my eyes when I was still again to find myself on my back, laying on Austin's bed. He was hovering over me, glaring at me. His expression was completely shocked and outraged.

"What the hell was that?" he yelled at me.

I shrank back. What was I supposed to tell him. Anyway, I think he knows what that was. I was going to kill myself. Duh. "I'm sorry, Austin. I just can't take this anymore. I'm pregnant!" I shouted.

"I thought you wanted a kid!"

"I thought I did, too. But I can barely keep myself alive, let alone a child. I can't raise a kid on my own Austin. Not while I'm living here, especially. I won't be able to do it. I won't be able to protect it," I cried in despair, unconsciously hugging my stomach.

"What do you mean you can't raise a child on your own?" Austin asked in a softer voice while wiping the tears of my cheeks. "I'll be here."

"We're only kids ourselves, Austin. You can't honestly tell me that you want to be a father right now. We haven't gotten to live our lives yet. Now we have to deal with a whole other person's life. Besides, the kid might not even be yours," I said, turning away and glaring at the wall. As much as I hated being pregnant, I hated that possibility even more.

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