"Well, your ass is truly amazing."

"We all knew that." I chuckled.

"No, apparently he managed to take down 3 power lines. There is no school for the rest of the week thanks to that ass!" he said.

"YES!!!!" I shouted, "Cool, I'm going to train. Coming with?"

"Yeah!" he said.


"Elsa, I'm going to have a sleep over thanks to your amazing ass, is that okay?" Anna asked giving me her best puppy dog face.

"Yeah, I'll be home in time for lunch. Have fun!" I said jumping on my bike. Eugene followed me on his, and went to my training warehouse..... or as I like to call it my Dojo.

Together we trained for around four hours, with a few breaks here and there, then called it a day.

After that I drove back to my home, and walked in my house.

"Anna, I'm back from the gym!" I called.

"Okay, I'm upstairs." she called.

"Okay, I'm going to make lunch, what do you want?"

"Food!" she said, and I chuckled.

I walked into the kitchen and made macaroni and cheese, some club sandwiches, and chocolate covered strawberries.

"Okay Anna lunch is ready, you and your friends can come on down." I called then heard Anna sprinting down the stairs.

"WHERES THE FOOD!?!?!" she screamed in excitement.

"It's in the kitchen Anna." I chuckled, "Nice to know I'm a great cook."

"So what did you do at the gym today?" Anna asked.

"A lot of stuff." I said not wanting to lie to her, "You should honestly feel my butt right now, it is rock hard." I chuckled squatting down a smidge and flexing it.

"Elsa!" Anna said while laughing.

"Seriously, rock hard."

I was about to stand up, when someone actually pinched my butt.

"Rock hard, you weren't lying." a male voice said. I turned around to see Jack winking at me.

"Anna, do you have any attachment to Jack of any kind?" I asked.

"Nope, just the girls. Though the guys seem nice" she said honestly.

"Good." I said. I grabbed the top of his hoodie, and punched him so hard he was knocked out.

"Jack!" Everyone yelled while I cracked my knuckles...... well almost everyone. Anna was laughing her head off. She thinks I am just a girl who works out at the gym to keep her figure, she doesn't know how strong I really am or what I can do.

I then sat down and started eating lunch like nothing happened. Jack woke up around a minute later, and I could see he had a black eye forming.

"Follow me perv." I said, and he jumped up and followed me. I led him to my bedroom, and went through my drawers until I found what I was looking for. A cream that pabbie gave me years ago for bruises.

I gently applied it on his eye, and then I could see it getting better.

"Don't ever touch me again." I glared at him then looked at my fist. I didn't see any bruises coming, so that was good.

"Then don't ask." he chuckled.

"I was talking to Anna you idiot, not you!" I said, "Now why are you here?"

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