Chapter 27

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Me and Tabby walk into school and walk to our lockers, hers is opposite mine. Today, I wasn't that shy person but a confident one that will stand up for herself and not back down.

Well this is what I though before my head was slammed into the locker. I turn around blood dripping from my nose as I look at the person who did this.

Three girls, Emma, Paisley and Laura.

"Sup loner" Emma says.

"Not a loner since YOU have an obsession with me."

"sure about that" She asks leaning closer.

"Yes, since you want to get closer to me, but no thanks, i don't want to know YOU" I say walking off with Tabby before being pulled by the hood.

"Did I say you could walk away?" They ask, more specifically Paisley.

"No, But I did, go find another boy to kiss" Blowing her a kiss and walking away leaving them gobsmacked.

I cant believe it! I actually stood up for myself!

Mitch's pov

Our first lesson was P.E, boys against girls, a bit sexist if I may have an opinion.

I'm very athletic, Jerome quite the same, Tabby I don't know, Chelsea, okay really not in running though.
(iRL I'm in top set for PE WTF?!??)

We begin our warmup running around the room and yadi yada.

*tennis time!*
It was me and Jerome vs Tabby and Chels. I did the first serve.....

Not long later, the scores were both at match point (cliche right?) and Jerome bats the ball hard. Little did I realise that he realise he was aiming at Tabby's head.

She went down like he threw a bowling ball and she was the pin that was hit.

Miss Jones ran over on the tennis court as Tabby groaned, me now on her side helping her up, Jerome on her other, Chelsea telling the teacher what happened since she was on her phone.

Tabby's pov

Damn that hurt, we were excused early sure to my injury and I couldn't really walk for the moment so I was literally carried by Mitch and Jerome. We had go to each locker meaning people were flooding out of the classrooms.

*Cough* Slut *Cough* Was all I heard. Expected, I ain't even mad.

We were all pretty much split for classes. Mitch and I had history, Chelsea had math and Jerome had a free period.

Soon enough the time passed as Mitch struggled to take me to our classroom, I started laughing which made it even harder, Jerome had left already, what a gentleman ( xD ).

"That's it, bridal style is easier." He said lifting me up then putting me back down.

"Okey, Maybe its not" He said, chuckling him to himself.

"Why don't you give me a piggyback ride?" I suggest.

Soon enough I am on his back as we walk through the corridors to the wonderful lesson which is HISTORY. I hate it.

Chelsea's pov

Maths is okay. But i'm by myself with all of the 'populars' surrounding me. I feel sorry for our teacher, she must be on the verge of tears by now with all the snarky comments being made. I was getting fed up with it myself.

"Oh look at her thick framed glasses. So out of fashion and UGLAY." I had enough.

"Oh and that see-through skirt everyone can see up, yeah we see you try, yet the longest relationship you can get is a week." I say standing up and looking face to face with.


"Excuse me?" she said, clearly taken aback by my comment.

"Excuse you, try wearing that crop top but you cant even work it, just like trying to get in bed with all the boys in this classroom" I said, that one earned a lot of 'oo's' and 'so true'. In fairness, it was.

She had nothing to say, and just huffed as she took her seat. The rest of the lesson was nice, and the teacher thanked me after everyone left. It was cool, she even gave me a 'get out of detention' card, one time use. Sickkkkkkkk : )

A/N Sorry It is a short chapter and I recognise that, i had some difficulty writing this because if you follow meh (If not, You know what to do xD) I had posted that on my works this book didn't show u so I had to do it a super long way because even when I clicked on the book, it told me to read it like a viewer, and I am the author so like watt-pad, Why you do this! Anyway, I've got this out, Stay safe annddddd

-PEACE : )

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