Chapter 9

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Chelsea's POV
I wake up sincerely bruised at Mitch's house? How'd I get here?
Oh wait, this us my house.
I look down at my arms and stomach which have been beaten bloody and I lay there thinking what the hell I did to deserve such a horrible life like this. I already know what happened so I don't need to question it.
Nothing new.

I attempt to get up but seeing as i used the word 'attempt' I flopped straight on the floor like a pancake. Nice to know my legs are working. Kind of.
Not really :/

Soon I drag myself downstairs after hearing a distressing sound coming out of Mitch's mouth.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and cannot resist screaming "Oh my god!" at the sight of Mitch. Of course it was loud enough for them to hear and now all attention is on me leaving me with a full view to a bloody mitch slumped in a chair half conscious.

I forgot my pain and felt a hot burning anger which was not normal like the one I had with Emma and her group. It's wierd.

First to swing at me was my father. His fist was about to collide with my face when I covered hus hand with mine and twisting his hand which made him squeek in agony.

I turn around to see Rob trying to kick my but i grab his foot and yank it causing him to loose balance and stumble to the floor.

Lachlan runs towards me but faceplants the floor as he trips over Robs body.

I giggle unaware of Vik's prescence behind me. I am pushed to the floor head first which made me feel dizzy. I quickly get back up abd slide tackle him o the ground where he hit the ground so hard he fell unconsious.

All of the other members of the Pack carried him out and ran off whereas my father put me into headlock making it impossible for me to breathe. I start to feel light headed and fall into a never ending stream of blackness that I quickly recover from as soon as I fall into it. De heck ?

Mitch's POV
Right before Chelsea falls unconscious i grab a baseball bat and hit her father in the head. And might i say she looked hot taking out 4 boys like DAMN. Oh shutup Mitch she's barely alive!

I pick her up and run out the door and place her in the back seat of the red car. I drive to Tabby's house where she immediatly opens up and lays Chelsea on the sofa and places an ice pack on her head.

After she looks at me and gets skme things to clean me up. As she wipes blod away and bandages cuts u look at her but not in a romantic way but wondering why the hell I ever bullied her? She was so nice just like Chelsea and they didnt deserve what we gave them. Not at all.

After she finishes cleaning me up I realise how mashed up I was with the anount if wipes, plasters and bandages she had to use on just me.

"How you feeling now Mitch?" Tabby asks concerningly. "Been better I suppose but I deserve this for doing what I did to you both." I replied

Tabby's POV

"It's okay plus, I could see the guilt in yours and Jeromes eyes and you were extea careful to hit in more of the tough places so it didnt hurt" It was true, they would never hit as hard as the others and at least they didnt betray us like Laura did but I know Laura's nice best friend Amie will be good.

I can't beleive Amie is in a relationship with THE AMAZING PHIL! I was quite jealous until i met Jerome but not in the best way.

As i think deeper about my past Chelsea wakes up in utter distress shouting "MITCH ARE YOU OKAY?!" Referring to the fight Mitch told me about. I went to Chelsea cleaned her cuts and calmed her down. I was good at these things because I want to be a nurse :)

A/N i said id post after school but i didnt so enjoy this loonngg chapter And amie is a newish character going out with the anazinf g phil LOL you welcome 😂😉

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