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"they call you cry baby, cry baby, but you don't fucking care. cry baby, cry baby, but you laugh through your tears."


the paintings on m a r a ' s wall fascinated him.

"did you draw these yourself?"

i s i a h ' s hands grazed along the rough sketch painting on the wall.

they were back at m a r a ' s house after she stopped struggling and let him bathe her.

she was sat quietly on the bed, fumbling with her still bruised lip.

she squeezed it absentmindedly, winced audibly and he heard.

worried he walked over to her.

he pulled her hand from her mouth and tilted her head up to check the cut.

"if it hurts, don't touch it."

she stared at him.

still examining the rest of her bruises he asked.

"why do you hate me so much?"

"because you care."

"and that's bad?"


he frowned at her cuts.

with no emotion on her face, she asked.

"so are we gonna have sex now?"

"of course not. with you in this condition? you'd be crazy to let me do that."

she scoffed.

"I'm not b r o k e n, i s i a h, just a bit tattered."

it was his turn to scoff.

"are you sure about that?"

she frowned at him and pushed him off her, leaving him confused.

"well then what are you still doing here?"

he didn't move.

she pushed him again, making him stumble.

"didn't you hear me? go! I don't need your help!"

she pushed him.

and pushed.

and pushed.

until he stopped at the door and turned to her with anger in his eyes and his cheeks painted a deep peach color.

"fine! I'd rather not deal with a p r e t e n t i o u s bitch anyways!" he snapped, walking out of her room and out of her house.

"fine!" she slammed the door with force and slid down it.

she tried not to cry.

but failed, and let out a silent sob.

reaching into her dress pocket, she took out a cancer stick from the half packet.

she put it between her lips,

breathed it,

and puffed out smoke, along with loud spluttering sobs.

then she choked out a laugh.

then a chuckle.

a giggle.

she kept laughing to the point of little drunken hiccups escaping in between her cries.

reaching up, she grabbed a stencil from her table,

and started to draw another masterpiece on her body in red and signing it,

sincerely, m a r a.

Sincerely, Mara. {Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now