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"perfection is a word that is used to bastardize beauty. society makes it seem untouched and pure when in reality it's just as t a i n t e d she was."


she was flawless.



she looked like she was hand made by god.

but he knew differently.

he knew what she did when she was alone.

he knew what her pain looked like.

he knew what she meant when she said,

"don't tell them."

he knew she was ashamed.

but it didn't matter.

because he was in love.

he was in love with poison.

a walking ashtray.

a sign of death.

but again,

that didn't matter.


it was beginning to seem like a pattern.

he would come over,

they would claim each other,

and she would go back to being the pretentious bitch she was the next day.

but when they were together,

it was different.

her walls dropped.

she wasn't fake.

she was just t a i n t e d .

she was just m a r a.

her cries were silenced by his naked shoulder,

her scars kissed by his love stricken lips.

and with every time she smiled at him,

it was almost as if she was letting her gaurd down.

a l m o s t .

sincerely m a r a .

Sincerely, Mara. {Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now