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he's finally mine I mean, it took a lot of courage to do it but he's mine and that all that matters right now cause I get to cuddle him with everything, give him kisses do what I wanted to and it's perfect timing to because we got to spend our whole summer traveling and just to have the plus of getting to kiss him and hold him and admire the places is amazing

"hey Luke, we need to talk" well fuck there goes the relationship, right that's what they say when they break up with you

"Luke are you there" Michael said and I nodded

"well I want to talk to you about college, I uh got accepted into college I wanted so yeah" Michael said

"Michael that's amazing, why aren't you happy your going into the college you want be happy" I didn't understand he looked sad

"that's the thing, it's back in my home town......Sydney Australia" Michael revealed (A/N they live in California know)

"oh" I finally get it

"yeah so I want to spend as much with you before I leave okay" Michael, yeah but wow this changes everything

"well school starts for me soon so I don't know how much time we could spend together, but we will make it work we somehow always do" I hopefully get to spend time with him, I just don't...I...I get him mine and this happens


sorry for the short chapter but My dad just got me my temporary computer until mine get fixed but hope you enjoy and I want to talk to some of you guys so lets message each other

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