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ugh Mondays one of the most shittiest days ever they just remind you that your weekend is over and you have to go to the hell hole called school, I mean who likes school nobody is ever gonna use any of that shit in life. half of the schools students are probably not gonna do anything with there life. I should probably get up before my mom starts yelling at me. what to wear what to wear oh the regular black skinning pants and my you complete mess shirt ah black the color of my soul

"Luke you better be up or I'l pour water on you" mom yelled, better get down there

"oh well your up earlier than I thought you'd be up" she said right when I got down stairs

"might as well get to school early because you know how much I love school' I grabbed a piece of toast and left before my mom could reply to me and headed my way to school

"Luke"wow someone actually called for me, they must be stupid enough to talk to the freak who doesn't talk to people. I'll just ignore them

"Luke Luke" guess the person didn't get the memo "Luke"

"what' I snapped instantly regretted it seeing as Michael was the one calling my name. I just remembered I was showing him around the school today

"Okay i'll have the other neighbors kid show me around" I tried to move closer but he just flinched away

"no wait Michael I'm sorry I just forgot i was showing you around school today and thought you were a random person I would gladly show you around" He's probably the only person I like and I don't want to mess that up

he looked a bit hesitant at first but did agree with it and we started are walk to school

"tell me about yourself Luke" Michael said

"well there not that much I'm a very boring person.I'm usually in my room all day, I don't have any friends and I'm kind of a loser at school"I replied truthfully, My life sucks

"well Luke I find you interesting, you're different and I like different, and Luke I'm your friend now. So you have someone to talk to and spend time with and someone to get you out of your room more" Michael's really odd but I like it and I don't know what this feeling in my stomach is but it's amazing

"so Michael tell about yourself" I smile, this boy just makes me smile and I love it

"well I'm an only child, I dye my hair every few months, I really like girl fashion and I'm a really poetic and deep person but i can be silly at times" he said, he's so hyper it looks like he's on energy drinks

"how do you do it" i paused "like how are so confident and fearless about being yourself without knowing if people are gonna judge you or not" I finish, i didn't want to push him but i wanted to know

"it's an illusion, I keep my head up and make it look like they don't get to me and keep a smile on my face" he said

"so you do have your moments like your not always happy" I asked

"well i'm not always happy i do have my moments that aren't the best but it happens and it's life" he answered

"okay switching the subject, did you get you school scheduled." I said seeing him taking out his scheduled, the only class we have is together is music

"okay so seeing this all you classes are gonna be in the east hall of the school and the music room is bye the lunch room, so I'll show you all you classes and show you other places you might like, if that's okay" we had about 30 minuets before school started officially so that should be enough time

"yeah that's okay" he smiled

I showed Michael all his classes, he's really smart seeing as he's in senior classes being a junior I'm really impressed I walked him to his locker and also showed him the garden and the library places I go to where not many people are at

"well Michael class starts in a couple of minutes so I see you in music later today. Have a nice day" I said to him before heading to my class


Luke and I'm officially on my own, more people started coming into school so I decided to go to my first class to miss the bunch of students heading to there lockers. I walked into my first class and was instantly greeted by the teacher

"hell you must be the new student, I'm your English teacher Mr. Cape" he smiled

"i'm Michael and I'm honored to be in your class, English is my favorite subject" I have a feeling Mr. cape is one of the cool teachers

"well Michael I'm glad to have you in my class not many students like English class, why don't you sit anywhere you want until the rest of the students come in so you can introduce yourself" Mr. Cape said, I decided to sit in the back for now, I'm glad Mr. cape didn't say anything about my outfit but I'm more scare of what people are gonna think of it

it was time, everyone is in class I've done well hiding myself but It won't be long till I have to go up to introduce myself

"everybody we have a new student, come and introduce yourself" Mr. Cape said

here we go, I got up and instantly caught every bodies eyes. I slowly walk up to the front of the room, look Michael you got this It's not gonna be like your last school

"well I'm Michael Clifford" I looked over to Mr. Cape to see him pushing me to go on

"I'm from Australia, I very poetic personI'm a junior and I really love drawing and playing instruments" I said

"why did you move here Michael" with that said My smile instantly left my face

"well back at my old school I was bullied and got lots of threats for the way I dressed so my mom decided to move me away from there" I said a lot more quiet

"well student give Michael a warm welcome to this school" Mr. Cape said, I started walking back to my seat a lot more people noticing me and giving me smiles. I got to my seat and sat down

"I think It's really brave of you to be yourself in a world so mean" I looked over to see this boy who kinda looks like Jack Frost with his whitish silver hair

"thank you...." I stopped not knowing his name "Lance, my names Lance"

"thank you Lance" I smiled and looked back up to the teacher, I had a really good feeling that this school won't be as bad as my last one

"By the way I like your outfit, you look really beautiful" he said. Encore getting back to his work


woo I updated over 1000 words too I'm proud of myself

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