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I unpublished mental so I can make it better and so I can focus on Pretty Boy


Today was a lot different many people came up to talk to me both girls and boys. It's literally been one day and he has everyone wanting to be his friends. Like I really thought the juniors were gonna be bad to him, not that I wanted them to be horrible to him I thought it was great he got no hate.But at some point he's gonna realize I'm a loser and leave me to be popular, I'm not looking forward to it.

"hey Luke are you ready to go" Michael pulled me out of my thoughts, guess I was so zoned out to even notice Michael walk up to me

"what do you mean" I hope he knows it's the end of the day and he go hang out with people

"to walk home, duh" Michael said while making a silly face then laughing at himself, he is so adorable

"well I just thought you might want to hang out with people, you've become really popular over the whole day"I said, I don't get it he could literally hang out with anyone he wants but he chooses to talk to me

"well you were the first person nice to me and I will cherish our friendship forever" Michael said, Friendship? he actually wants to be my friend.

Michael takes my hand and walks me towards the exit of school, we get a lot of stares it's not the usually stares. It's very weird walking down the hall girls looking at Michael in admiration and boys looking at me with envy

"penny for thought" i looked at Michael to see him smiling at me

"it's just you seem to in just one day you seem to turn the whole school around, i'm impressed. It's really awesome that students are growing up and finally realizing that everyone is different just from a little confidence from you" I said and wow didn't think i had that in me

"well look who said there weren't interesting, that was like a speech" Michael giggling at his own words

we got outside and started heading home talking about random things, until we finally got to both of our home

"well Michael see you tomorrow" I say headed towards my door

"wait Luke" Michael stopped me "be ready by 5 cause we will be going out since you never leave you room" he finished and left before i could even protest

I got inside enjoying the quiet since for another hour. what's better than go around you house half naked since no one is home. went upstairs to my room only to hear guitar string playing softly in the distance

music is my escape

he paused... he must be making a new song, a really sad song by looks of it

but it brought back the memories

scars and the voices trying to kill me

okay wow that got me, how bad was life before coming here. I don't no if I should talk to him about it tonight our keep it until another time. Maybe another time I don't want to ruin the mood, i'll talk to him about it at the right time and place.

"Luke were home come get groceries" I was brought out of thought by my moms voice yelling to me

might as well occupy myself until 5 o'clock. I probably did the most embarrassing I could ever do, walk out of the house in just my underwear. ugh I went back upstairs the laughing slowing fading away to put back on clothes and went back downstairs

"so Luke do want to do anything tonight or are you just gonna stay in your room"my mom said, she always asks me that when she gets back home I don'y understand why she still asks when she know the answer. well except for today

"today around 5 I'll be going to hang out with Michael" I say

"oh someone finally has a date, did you ask him out or did you wuss out" jack said, here we go with all the teasing

"oh my god Lukey got a boyfriend" Ben added in grabbing jacks hand and jumping like a fan girl

"now boys don't go teasing Luke cause he's finally got a boyfriend" I don't understand this family anymore

"guys i'm not dating him, he insisted of hanging out since I don't go out"" might as well start getting ready, it's already past

*5 o'clock*

"so Michael what are we doing this afternoon" i ask him

"something thing really so lets get a move on" he said grabbing my hand and walking away

we ending up going to many places first we went to the beach which was quite peaceful then to this retro ice park and then finally to this secret waterfall that Michael discovered over the weekend, but overall hanging out with Michael was awesome

"Michael tonight was amazing, I would love if we could hang out sometime again" we were back at our houses after all the things

"yeah I'd love that" he smiles while giving me a piece of paper and a kiss on the cheek before leaving to inside his house

I went to my house and straight to my room, cause it was pretty late seeing as i spent the whole day with Michael, But I'm so curious of how Michael's life was before he came, what happened to him to make him fell like that. all these questions unanswered all the thoughts i have of him, I was brought back to reality of the sound of guitar and looked over and didn't realize it was around 2:00 in the morning

and all the sad songs

with all the doing wrongs

last time with his hand upon my thighs

and the lips I so despise

he sped up the the guitar

behind my smile is a hurting heart

behind my laugh I'm falling apart

I'm reaching out for someone to see

this person I am just isn't me

the guitar stopped and his voiced faded I may be sad but Michael needs to be saved

so get ready Michael cause I will fix you


woo new chapter hinting towards Michael past

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