11. The Zipper

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        "The fair," I ask looking at the rides and games around us. This place is definitely not my scene.
"Come on it'll be fun," Jared says looking at me.
"I don't really do rides or any of this," I say quietly.
"Well you are tonight," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me through crowds and crowds of people.
After a minute or so he lets me go at a group of five people. The populars.
"Hi," they all say cheerfully.
"Who's the friend," a guy with his dirty blond hair to his shoulders and tall yet slightly on the pudgy side asks. He's the only one I didn't know the name of.
"Her name is Emma," Jared says gesturing to me.
"Hi Emma," they all say but at different times.
"Emma this is Daphne, Stephen, Danielle, Andrew, and Olivia," he says pointing at each of them. Oh, so the guy I didn't know if was Stephen. Every now and then I did hear of a Stephen Adams.
"Hi," I say shyly. God I can't believe he's doing this right now. He knows I like to be invisible! Of all people he can introduce me to, he chooses them. Classic. Haha very nice, Jared. I guess the joke's on me...
"So are you two a thing," Stephen asks trailing off.
"No," I start.
"We're going to prom together. I asked her at school the other day," Jared says smiling.
"Wait- she goes to our school," Daphne asks looking at me as if I'm some scientific experiment.
"Yeah, she just prefers being invisible," he says. I can't believe he just said that. To them of all people! Not mention the fact he said that we're a thing when we're not!
"So I guess tonight is bringing her out of her shell then," Stephen says wiggling his eye brows up and down.
     "Yep," Jared says winking at me. "And the fun starts right now, honey."

     "No," I say giving The Zipper a once over. "Uh-uh."
"Please," Jared says giving me the puppy dog face.
I scoff. "Please, you think that's going to work?"
"It's not as bad as it looks," Stephen says from behind me.
"I don't want to go on it."
"Are you sure? I mean it's a lot of fun and you'll laugh at yourself for being so freaked out while it's spinning. If you end up wanting to come, you can go with me," Stephen says. My eyes light up to that thought.
"Sure," I shriek. No Jared for me! But wait- that means I'm going on the...
"Sweet," Stephen says smiling. A dumbfounded Jared is looking at me.
"You'll go on it with him and not me," he whispers.
"Jared, he didn't beg me or force me into anything. I like that in people."
"Fine, if that's how you wanna play."
"Jared, this isn't a game."
"You just made it be that way sweetheart."
All I do is glare at him. The old and annoying Jared is officially back. This is going to be a long night.
"Hey Stephen," I say facing him.
"Yeah-" he starts before I kiss him. Stephen seems a bit taken aback and so am I. Since when did I do bold things?
I back away from Stephen and look him in the eyes and say," I'm sorry that wasn't supposed to happen." Before I know it I'm heading towards the entrance gates to leave.

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