8. Cliche

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I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm climbing up a tree just to get inside a boy's house who I happen to hardly know and strongly dislike. This is so overrated.
"I can't believe I am doing this," I groan once I reach the level his window is on.
"You're doing this because you want to impress me," he says winking at me.
"Oh gag me."
"Okay, don't mind if I do," he says unzipping his pants.
"No," I scream before covering my eyes. "It's just an expression!"
"I know, I was just messing with you."
"You're such a perv. Don't do that if you want me to like you."
"I'd like to refer it to being 'Jared comedy.'"
"It's barely even funny," I say letting down my arms and then crawling to his window.
"Emma," I butt in as I crawl through his window.
"Emma my sweetheart," he says making me roll my eyes. "I have plans for us all day."
"Hold on. All day? First, I'm not your sweetheart and you should have gotten that by now. Then again, you're an idiot so... And second, I have homework."
"It wouldn't hurt to not do it one night... Thanks for the insult too."
"You're welcome. I'm going home to do my homework."
"No, you're spending time with me. Senior year is almost over if you haven't noticed. I've lived my four years with no regrets, and it's about time you do something with the end of your four years to make it memorable."
"But I need good grades for college. I can live my life there."
"Live life there? Please, you barely know how to live your life as is."
"Honest," he says raising his arms up in the air like he is getting taken in by the police.
"Ugh, whatever. Where are we going first?"
"So you wanna go," he asks a big smile appearing on his face.
"Hurry up and tell me before I change my mind."
"It's a surprise."
"Way too cliché."
"You want something less cliché?"
"Yes please."
"Okay we're going somewhere..."
"That's almost worse! You're just stating the obvious," I say laughing harshly. Wow this guy's a doofus.
"You really want to know?"
"Yes, I don't want to be forced into killing the president or anything." He laughs like it's the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard.
"That's not what we're doing."
"Then what are we doing?"
"You'll see when we get there." Oh my god, they say girl's watch too many romance movies. If they do, how the hell does he get his lines?

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