1. Being a Wallflower

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Being a wallflower isn't as bad as it seems. They have perks. Ha- see what I did there! I know, I have WAY too much time on my hands. But it's true, it does have it's perks as in you avoid drama. It also has it's downsides as in no one notices you. That part sucks.
My thoughts are interrupted by shriek of giggles from the other end of the hallway. Another girl asked to prom.
I turn to see who it is and sure enough it's my friend Evelyn and her boyfriend Victor. He finally grew a pair and asked her out to prom. I will never be asked. Both of them are more outgoing than me.
I slowly walk in the direction of my two friends. Evelyn notices me and motions me over. She's the best. She knows I like to be invisible and hide from all the world's problems. Once I'm over there she hugs me. I see Victor's ginormous smile. He's obviously very pleased with himself.
"Don't be too pleased with yourself. Without me, you wouldn't have had the guts to do anything," I say.
"Hey! You ruined the moment, wallflower. And you're one to talk."
"I was stating the truth. After all, I watch it all the time and see people lie more than truthfully speak. And I choose to socialize with few people."
"So deep," Evelyn says. "Can you do my hair for the prom, Emma?"
"I don't know," I say cringing. "Does that mean I'm going to be forced into going to prom?"
"Evelyn," I groan.
"Come on wallflower, it'll be fun," Victor pipes in. I look at him and then at Evelyn.
"No," I say. "My sister Skylar and I will do something fun that night instead."
"I'm pretty sure Skylar was asked by Josh West," Victor says. My sister Skylar is two years younger than me. She's WAY more outgoing than I am.
"Well, I'll just sit home and watch a movie," I say.
"Come on, please," Evelyn begs.
"No," I say.
     "We promise we won't make out in front of you," Victor adds.
     "I'll be fine at home. Proms aren't really my crowd. See you guys at lunch," I say trying to get the disgusting image out of my brain.
     I walk to my next class, I don't need a guy. I don't need prom. Life is much simpler that way.

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