(23) Explosive

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Attention!!! This chapter contains violence and extreme sexual content. Read at your own discretion.

-Carter's dress

"I didn't I swear!" I screamed before he kicked me in my stomach.

"You. Lying. Bitch." He as kicked me. At this point I'm throwing up blood, nothing but blood. He stops kicking me and suddenly sits on top of me begins to punch me in my face.

"Why must you ruin everything for me!" He screamed in my face, I had no idea what he was talking about. I was just sleep until he woke me up, I could smell alcohol his breath faintly, but I knew that the alcohol he consumed wasn't  enough to make him forget what he was doing to me. He knew what he was doing, and he loved it.... he loved causing me pain.

I heard a whimpering in the corner, it was the puppy he got me because he said I was finally acting like a good girl. He heard it too because he stopped punching me and smiled evilly. He got off of me and slowly walked to the dog.

"No, no, no." I said trying follow him as fast as I could. I grabbed the back of his pants leg only for him to kick me in causing me fly backwards. When I finally sat up, he had the innocent puppy in his hands. His hand was over dog's neck, if he moved his hand slightly he would kill the dog.

"Please don't do this please." I begged

"I tried to be nice, Carter I really did, but you seem to want me to be angry at you," He said smiling . "I even got you this dog to keep you company because I thought you were starting to see things my way, but you're not. All you had to do was be honest with me for what you did, but you weren't." He said before snapping the dog's neck. He threw the dog ground before stomping on the head once, after that he kicked the dead's body to me. I instantly grabbed the dog and held it in my hands as I sobbed.He slapped me once to shut me up before taking off his belt and beating me merciless with it.

When he was finally tired of beating me he laughed, "I am so tired I had a good workout." My stomach growled, I was so hungry, but I knew I wasn't going to get any food anytime soon.

"Are you hungry? I actually brought you some food." I saw him have a plate of food in his hands. As he walked to me he purposely spilled the food on the floor. "Oops, well if you're hungry enough you'll eat what's on the floor." he said before leaving me again the basement. I crawled to the food and ate what he didn't step on. I knew it was so gross, but I was so hungry and I knew I would die soon if eat or drink something.

When I finished eating I saw something shiny sticking out from the shelf. I crawled to it and I touched , I guess I pushed to hard because I began to bleed. I immediately started to rub my wrists on it. When I was sure I would bleed out with no problems is when I crawled to my dead dog and held it to me. The dog and I would both be dead tonight. I started to become weak, numb, and tired. I was dying and I was welcoming me death with open arms.

"What the hell!" I heard his voice yell out. He immediately put pressure on my wounds, but I was praying he was too late.

"Let me die. I want to die. Why won't you let me die?" I croaked tried pull my arms away, but he would bulge.

"Because I want you to suffer. Death is the easy way out, I want you to live so you can suffer." He said before I slipped under conscious.

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