(12) Food and Phone Calls

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I sat on the couch tired ass hell, this week has been a really bad one. I went back to work on Monday and after being off for almost seven weeks it has been hard to find that balance again between work, school, and play. I now have two big projects at school, one is with Doug and the other is in my art class. I have to draw someone or something that has a story behind it on a big canvas, it has to be flawless because it's worth 60% of my final grade. That's unfortunately that's just at school, at work I have to plan and set up this gala that Austin's company throws every year. Austin knew that he wanted me to plan the gala since before I was off of work, but he decides to tell me five weeks before the event takes place and he has no venue, caters, dj, the press doesn't even when the gala is happening this year. I have a lot of things to do in a little bit of time.

Work and school are the least of my worries because my personal life has been stressing me out too.  Shannon is acting weird, I've seen her on the campus multiple times. We've been within talking distance away from each other, but she hasn't said a word to me. If it was anyone else I would brush it off and thank the heavens that person isn't talking to me, but not with Shannon. She's up to no good... I know she is planning something, but I don't when she will act on her plan. Antonio..... has been really bothering me too because he always seems to be where I'm at. At first I thought I was unintentional because we stay in the same apartment building and we go the school, but when I went to my landlord I asked him about Antonio.


"Here's the rent on time." I said handing him the payment in a casher 's check. He took he check and gave me the okay. I was just about to leave, but I was curious about something and Earl and the answers to them.

"Earl, I was wandering if you had anymore apartments available because my friend was thinking about moving here." I lied.

"As a matter of fact I do, there is a lot of seniors that lived here and since they are graduating I have quiet a bit of apartments vacant.

"Oh so that why I saw a new guy move in right across from me. I thought Nancy still lived there." I said.

"No, she moved out a few months back, but yes that is your new neighbor. You know he signed the sic weeks ago, but just now started to move in." What the fuck, six weeks ago, but he told me a couple of days ago.

"Oh, wow. Yeah, I spoke to him for a couple of minutes. He told me he just signed a one year lease agreement." I said.

"Yep, he sure did. He could've picked any apartment to stay in, but he was specific about staying on your floor. There was two apartments empty on your floor, but he found it was one empty right across from you he wanted it instantly. He offered to pay more on his rent to stay there. I think, he has a crush on one of the girls that stay on your floor, if you ask me." Earl said making me gasp quietly at the free info that he just gave me.

"You maybe right... sorry for taking up your time. I'll see you around." I hurried out the office and jumped on the elevator.

End of flashback...

Ever since I found out the information, I have been avoiding talking to Antonio all together. I found what he did beyond creepy. I used to think that he his pop ups were random and accidentally... but now I'm not for sure anymore. This could be all a simply explanation, right?

I shook off my thoughts and went the kitchen to finish cooking because tonight Austin was coming over for dinner. I was making spaghetti and it was all from scratch, nothing that I didn't make with my bare hands was going near the spaghetti. I made the Tiramisu from scratch as well.

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