(22) The Gala

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"Carter, calm down." Damon said rubbing my shoulders.

"How can I calm down! This is the biggest project I've ever done at Manes Corp, if I fucked up this gala then Austin loses money and I could potentially lose my job." I said pulling at my hair.

"Austin wouldn't fire you."

"Austin doesn't have the final say so, his father does. While he may like me and while he may be friends with my father, business is business and he will fire anyone who makes him lose money. The gala pulls in about 165 dollars  or sometimes more every year because of future investors and current investors.  What if they don't like the party and they only donate 100 million dollars because of me!? That would mean budget cuts would have to be made because of me! Do you know how much my budget was? Oh, wait I didn't have one. I spent over a million for everything! Damon-" Damon silenced me with a kiss. He put both of his hands and placed them on the side of my face. The kiss was slow, but passionate. It was like he was making love to my lips. He pulled away first and titled my chin so I could look at him in his eyes.

"You have been working your ass off for the past five weeks. I know there were days that you were up for 48 hours straight just so you could work on the gala and still maintain your school work. You never do anything half-assed. You have great taste so I know the decorations will be amazing, you know your foods so I know I will get full tonight, and I know the entertainment part will be superb. Plus you said Austin had to approve for everything you did, so if he okay it then you have nothing to worry about, so baby stop worrying about it. You got this, after the people come and sees your work they are going bring more money to the company and people will start asking who planned the party because will want to use your services." Damon said trying to calm me down and it worked to a certain point.

"But what if my best isn't good enough this time?" I said as Damon pulled me into a hug. His hand was rubbing my back in a soothing manner.

"Your best is good enough. Stop thinking negative and think positive. Okay?" Damon said looking down at me.

"Okay, I will try to only think positive thoughts. That's very easier said than done, but I will try."

"You need to go now if you don't want to be late." Damon while grabbing my ass.

"I know, I know." I muttered. I grabbed Damon's face and kissed his lightly on the lips.

"What the hell was that?" Damon scrunched up his face.

"A kiss."

"That's a weak kiss. So I need to show you how to give a real one." Damon lifted up my chin and tried to kiss me but I jerked away at the last minute.

"I have to go. I promise I will give you a real one later on tonight." I grabbed my dress and ran out the house. I had to go to my dad's house to get ready. I sped the whole to my dad's house. When I walked in the living room I saw all my brothers, my dad, and my grandpa dresses in the suits already going crazy over a football game. No one noticed me except for my grandpa. I gave him a hug. I love my grandpa so much, he's always there when I need him, and he always gives me words of wisdom. I actually stayed with my grandpa and grandma for a little bit before  I stayed with my father permanently when I was younger.

"I thought you weren't going to the gala tonight because your broken leg." I looked down at his boot cast on his foot.

"I thought I wasn't going either, but I went to the doctors yesterday and they said that they think it's good that I walk on it for at least 30 minutes a day, but more can be better. So you know your grandma took the last part and ran with it. She told me I was going with her to the gala, so here I am wearing this monkey suit." My grandpa said with a sulky expression on his face.

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