(9) Seeing Stars

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"God hates us, Damon." I said as I threw myself on the bed again.

"We will be alright." He said laying down next to me. At least for the next week and a half I will get to bond with my family. Yay!

"We really have no choice, but to be alright." I muttered.

"Do we have to share a room?" Damon asked.

"Yes, Damon." I said sadly. We have to keep up with appearances so we will have to sleep in the same bed.

"Um, what are you doing, Damon?" I asked confused.

"Getting undressed." He said taking off his shoes, making me laugh.

"We don't sleep in here. This is like a show room/extra bedroom. This is my room I just choose not to sleep in this one." I said.

"Well, damn where do we sleep?" Damon asked.

"Follow me." I said. I led Damon out of the room to an elevator. Pressed B.

"Where are we?" Damon asked after we got out of the elevator.

"This is my room." I said hesitant to say.

"Damn." Damon mumbled. When the door open he saw my room. My walls are cream color my bed spread is white and brown and my room also stars on the wall that light up when the light goes out.

"So what do think?" I asked.

"It's different from the rest of the house. Why choose this when you can have something else?" Damon asked.

"This is house is Denise and my father's style, while the house is beautiful I wanted to be me. This is my style." I said.

"Are we in the basement?" He asked.

"Yes, part of it." I said walking towards the bed when I noticed a note.

"What is that?" Damon asked referring to the note in my hand.

"It's my brother loaning you clothes until we are able to leave, they are in the closet already." I said sitting on the bed.

"Thanks" Damon said.

"It's fine Damon. No reason to thank me." I said sitting on the bed.

"Why?" Damon asked.

"Why what?" I said confused.

"Why did you act like you needed a roommate so bad why you're dad could've helped you? Or you could've stayed here for God's sake." He said.

I didn't speak for a moment, I already knew this conversation wouldn't turn out good," What does it matter to you Damon? You have a place to stay, why does it matter now?"

"It doesn't matter, but I'm curious? Why pretend that your someone your not? You've been raised in previliage, this room alone speaks on how good you have it in life? What's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through? Picking a pair of shoes or wait having a cousin who hates you? You have it easy princess so stop acting like the world will end if your father knows you lied about us actually dating, because other people have real problems." Damon said obviously getting angrier with each word he said.

Real problems. Huh. I decided to let him dig a deeper hole, "Real problems... what are real problem Damon, since I obviously don't know what it means." I said crossing my arms.

"Have you ever had money problems? Have you ever wondered where you're next meal is coming from or when it's coming? Have you ever been beaten? Have you ever been homeless? Suicidal thoughts, have you had thoughts like that? Have you been really betrayed, not some high school boyfriend bullshìt, I mean really betrayed? Have you ever been hurt so bad that, all you want to do is hurt someone else like you've been hurt and your heart fills up with hate? Do have you family problems, and I mean real family problems? What it seems to me like that you have this perfect life, both parents are alive, but you only wants to spend time with your dad. Why because daddy has more money than mommy? What your mom isn't good enough for you? If that's your reason for not talking to your mother then that's bullshît and your a selfish bìtch. At least you have both of your parents." Damon said with his jaw clenched.

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