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I wobbled down the steps, meeting August at the door.

Audrey: "I missed you soooo much, I was so bored without you! Mommy's no fun."

Me: "Ohhh, my feelings don't matter." I faked cried.

Audrey: "I'm just kidding mommy! You're fun. You just go to sleep too early." I chuckled.

Me: "Hi baby." I kissed his cheek.

August: "Wassup. How are my favorite girls?" He asked touching my stomach.

Me: "You don't know if it's a girl yet."

August: "I was right bout Drey." I rolled my eyes.

Audrey just laid on August's shoulder, engaged into our conversation. She was tired. But she refused to go to sleep without seeing her father.

August had been on tour for 3 months. Audrey was used to the touring but most of his tours, she tagged along. This one she sat out because August insisted that she helped me with the baby, although I was perfectly fine.

Yes, August and I have a child together and one on the way. Audrey is 3 and a half. She's a daddy's girl. He spoils her... ROTTEN.

7 years in the making, and I'm having another child by the love of my life.

We're married. Have a beautiful home. Great careers. A family.

Me: "Audrey, how about you go find a movie for us to watch?"

Audrey: "Okay!"

She wiggled outta August's arms and ran upstairs.

August: "You missed me?" I shook my head.

Me: "Nope, I was actually starting to get used to you not being here." I teased.

August: "Oh really?"

He smirked and nodded, walking off. I pulled him back and kissed him.

Me: "You know I missed yo balloon head ass." He sucked his teeth. "Did you eat?"

August: "Yeah." He lied, he probably didn't want me to fix him anything.

August was really hard on me during this pregnancy. He didn't want me doing a lot of moving. Mainly because I had a lotta complications during my first pregnancy and it had a lot to do with me moving, when I was supposed to be on bed rest.

Me: "August..."

August: "I'm good ma, just go get in bed." I sighed. "Please.."

Me: "Fine." I whined, heading toward the stairs.

I headed upstairs. Our house is 3 stories and our bedroom was on the third floor. When I finally got to my room, Audrey was laying on the bed with the dvd remote, waiting. She had her "daddy's princess" blanket and was in the middle. I smiled and got into bed. My daughter is my world. She's my legacy. She was honestly my happiness. I thought August was my happiness but Audrey took his place. I'm honestly every happy. I'm no longer suffering from any type of depression. I really owe that all to August.

Bleeding HeartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon