Chapter 4

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Me: "But daddy, that's not fair. How are you okay with this?" I asked, sitting up in my chair.

Charles: "Look, if your brother needs you to do this for him, it's what you need to do. End of discussion."

I sighed, looking at Amir. He wanted me to do something for him that I wasn't comfortable doing. It's not even in me to do what he's asking. I'm not a thug type of girl. I'm not a bad girl. The worst thing I've done is lied, once. Literally. I'm the type of girl that lives by the book.

Marilyn: "Charles, Amir.. If Amiya isn't comfortable with this then y'all cannot force this on her. Not to mention, it could go horribly wrong."

Me: "Thank you. Amir, I can't do this for you. I'm sorry."

Amir: "Yes, you can. You have too." I sighed. "Please Winky?"

I hated when he used that against me. Winky was a nickname my oldest brother had given me. He called me that because when I was younger, I used to struggle trying to wink. One day, he taught me and I winked for 4 days straight. So it started to become a pet name.

Winky always hit home for me because, not to long after growing into the name, my brother was killed. Whenever I hear it or someone calls me that, I instantly give in. Amir knows that. Amir is childish.

Me: "I hate you, man." I got up and hugged my mom. "I'll see you later."

Charles: "You aren't gonna give your old man love?"

In my head, I'm thinking, go screw yourself.

Me: "You aren't gonna make me do it?" He shook his head. "Then no."

I walked out the house and got in my car. I drove home, in silence. I parked in the garage, receiving a text as soon as I shut my car off.

From Kylie: Miyaaaa, I need help.

To Kylie: wus'good?

From Kylie: Can I come over?

To Kylie: yes, of course.

I dropped my phone in my purse then got out. I walked into my house and go straight upstairs. I really didn't feel like being bothered but whatever.


I walked onto my patio, lighting my blunt. It was around 1 in the morning and I was tired. For some reason, I wanted to talk to Amiya, but she was probably sleeping.

I had no idea why I wanted to be around her. She's not my "type". I wouldn't even do a quick fuck on shawty, she just ain't that type of girl. She respects herself and I respect that. I could tell she was the type of female that was raised properly and knew right from wrong. She was a good girl. She was really calm and peaceful. I liked that, it sent good vibes.

I was just ready to go back inside, when I heard her slide door open. She stepped out in a sports bra and some shorts. She looked my way, then walked to the end of her patio.

Amiya: "Hey August."

Me: "Wassup ma." She walked to my side. "Ain't chu cold?"

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