Chap. 37: Dance Like We're Making Love

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Jungkook: Yay! *grabs his things from he trunk and exits through the trunk*

I shook my head.

Jina: Guess that's cool.

After we all got our things Jina and I held hands as we followed my parents.

I honestly never been camping before, so I'm a little nervous sleeping in the woods at night.

Dad: Here we are!

Jungkook: This is it? Quiet a big spot.

Jina: We're setting camp now?

Mom: Well of course honey. C'mon I'll show you how to prepare a tent.

Jina let go of my hand and followed my mother, Jungkook and I were ordered from my dad to go get wood. Meanwhile he helped the girls set up camp.

"I think I see some blocks up there!" He said and ran after it.

"Not so fast Jungkookie..aish.." I jogged behind him.

" that a resort?" He asked.

I looked beyond and noticed we weren't alone after all. This site is FOR camping, ahhh...

"I guess my parents want to stay on the safe side." I chuckled.

"It's whatever. We're still sleeping in tents and eating marshmallows and sit near a campfire!"

I smiled, "yeah I guess."

"I'm glad you invited my noona and I, thanks again. We don't know how to repay you."

"Hey you're family remember? You don't owe us anything."

He smiled. "I love you."


"In a brotherly way hyung -_-" he assured.

I chuckled. "I was just messing with you. Alright lets get these blocks of wood back to camp."

He agreed.

Jungkook and I carried a decent amount and got back to the site in time. Two tents were already up.

Jungkook: Heyy..I wanted to help -.-

Jina: You still can, let's set up our tent.

Mom: Jina you learned so fast.

Dad: Very impressive.

I smiled.

Jina: Haha nah..I'm just a fast learner is all. C'mon Kookie help me.

Jungkook: Kay!

Mom: Jimin honey, get settled into your tent.

"Ight." I grabbed my bag and flung it into my tent. Before I went on into my tent I looked at Jina. And smiled.

She looks so cute explaining to Jungkook how they're gonna set up their tent. I'm going to have a splendid time.

I got into my tent and zipped it closed.

Now all I have to do is set my sleeping bag and my other personal belongings.

After I was done I noticed Jungkook and Jina were done with theirs and are now inside their tent. I hear them giggling, they must be having fun.

Mom: Honey your girlfriend sure is something.

Dad: Her brother too.

"Yeah, they're really cool."

Mom: Call them out here, I'm gonna start making goodies~

I chuckled. "Whatever ma."

I went ahead and zipped open their tent, Jina was setting up her sleeping bag and Jungkook was laying down on his.

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