Strong me!!

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It was a bright sunny day .. A Saturday.. we had an off so we all 6 have decided to roam around as no1 wanted to go home early.... I was seeing my own new version. an upgraded version..  I wanted to have fun.. to enjoy.. may be because I have got such great company of friends.. we all came so close to each others in different ways. Less is my soul sister.. Tushar is my buddy as we both are Indians.. so he knows my we can talk in Hindi and the best part is no 1 else will understand what we are talking funny right? we do lot of gossips about everything.. right from our professors to our other classmates.. politics to sport.. and with fearless attitude.. sometimes the other four asks us to tell 'em what r we talking about.. but are we that dumb to tell them that we are bitching about something? or the puns.. the jokes we crack...nop... impossible.. never.

Josh is more likely my brother.. the nigga.. the gamer, typical nerd of the we all love him.. a tall, dark , handsome guy with pure heart.. he is ever-ready to help everyone around him.. can I call him my soul brother?????? wink wink..

Dave is such an ass.. the 'error man' of our gang ! there is no any single thing in this world he had done with no mistake or dont know what happens but each time when he walks alone he bumps into someone.. You cant guarantee about the sun to rise next day but surely can about Dave that he would bump with someone no matter what.. May be he bumped Less right in her heart n thats why he stays there!  But he is the most calm and shy member of our devilish gang!!

Roy is an alien !! trust me he do not belong to this earth.. how the hell he knows me so well? I guess he can read my mind.. he knows it when I am sad, when hungry, when I'm about to cry.. what will make me happy is the question he can answer better than me!! the lady killer of our gang.. I can see all the girls staring at him when he walks through the corridor..  WTF I mean is he a burger that u look at him like u will eat him right away??? wait.. am I being jealous?? fu*k ..nooooooo !!!.. I'm not ..

We all were walking out of the college when I heard few guys and girls bitching about me. and of course they were so loud that everyone heard it for sure.. I was hurt.. but I seen all my friends ready for fight.. I felt happy in my heart.. but I wanted to do it alone.. I have to face it.. Now or never.. I cant live all the time depending on someone else!! I knew this was the time to prove everyone that how strong I am!

I smiled at the girl who I chosen as a sample! or u can say a prototype.. I went to her and hugged her tight.. I could sense hundreds of eyes on me at that time.. but I'm not gonna let it go.. I smiled at her once again no one could guess what exactly I was doing.. she was frozen by my action.. I opened my mouth to speak..

"Ohh baby.. do you know why I hugged you? no? right? so lemme tell you why I did so.. well its my style to treat the mentally ill child I come across!!"

every one was so shocked by my behavior..

" You know my mom always tells me that I should give my utter attention to needy and immature kid".. and her friends started laughing at her  .. " Look who you were supporting to.. do u call them as ur friends?? They are laughing at you..are they that worthy?? think over it.. they are just like a leaflet.. that goes in the direction of wind.. U need to identify your true friends girl".  I turned to face other members of her group n said "Its not your fault guys.. U did as I expected since so many days.. in fact I'm wondering why u guys are late to prove your immaturity?" .. "You thought that I will just shut my mouth and leave? actually u were right.. I dont like to waste my time and energy on not-so-worthy people.. but I found that there may be still few chances for you guys to improve your I decided to come over here and talk to you.. Instead of wasting your time on back bitching about every next person showing up here, use it for good" I could see that they were feeling  guilty  "Next time when you think of abusing someone with your words , put yourself on their situations !! you dont know but everyone has a story..everyone has a past.. everyone seeks happiness.. words are two sides of a coin.. you can kill or heal someone with words .  its up to you what you choose.. coz Words are powerful than weapons."

I started to leave when I turned around and said " One last question... " I smiled and asked "can we all be friends??" :) :) :) and all I seen are smiling faces.. nodding  n saying Why not!!

My gang was still in the shock..  like WTF_just_happened? .. haha

"hah guys.. enough for a day.. i need a break.. "

I headed to the girls room n i knew Less is gonna follow me to check on me if i m OK or not..

but to my surprise all gang followed me.. but hey.. they cant enter a girls room.. wait where I m? Geeez I'm in an empty  classroom.. haha.. sometimes my mind dont allow me to do what i decide...

"guys.. m all good.. dont worry!"

"girl.. u r crazy..!! " Dave barked

"nah she is brave !! " Josh supported as usual.. oh I love my bro..

may be it was just ....Strong Me !!!!



 Hey guys, I know showing up after a long time.. gone through many things.. but anyway.. hope u like this chapter.. dont forget to comment.. critics welcome..

love ya guys.. take care..

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