Wood's villa

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I nearly forgot about dinner At Woods villa. We were expected to be there on Sunday at 8 pm. Roy told me that Mr. Wood personally called him to remind about the dinner and how he is eager to meet us and thank us for whatever we did earlier this week. And I was trying to recall that when the hell did Roy gave his number to Mrs. Wood??? my memory sometimes SUCKS...

Roy asked me to be ready by 7. I was not sure about what are we gonna do for an hour. Then I decided not to overthink about it coz I was really excited to meet James once again. I got dressed up with a nice maroon colored Punjabi suit. Done my hairs. I dont really like to have pony tail all the time.. I prefer setting hairs free.. I like it when they touch my face gently. I like it when they go with the wind.. I like to see them free.. just like me..

Makeup is certainly not my field of work.. lol.. I never tried it on as I dont really like it much. But as it was a dinner invitation I had to do something to look good.. Shelly is very good at things like this.... I thanked God for helping me all the way when I need him.. She suggested to carry a heavy makeup for night, but I wasn't sure if I can carry it with confidence. Otherwise I would look horrible..and I certainly dont want that.So I kept it light with a nice red lipstick and an eye liner. I was ready in just 15 minutes. Tina was in so awe that she said " Babes , your boyfriend would be so lucky to have you.. coz you can get ready even on a short notice!!!"

And I was like S-T-F-U !!! ;p ;p

actually she is right !!..whoever he is, he indeed would be lucky to have me.. ;) ;) ;) I am a masterpiece of my kind.. the one and only.. the unique one!! exclusive!! POOJA .... mirror was forcing me to say all these things in my mind..  but I just know that I am happy at the moment..

I went out when I heard a signaling horn given by Roy.. He was ready with his sexy red Jaguar F-type.. the view was so damn sexy that I almost caught my breath.. at the site of Roy!!! He was formally dressed up,  With a black colored suit with white shirt and a maroon tie. God!! we coincidentally had the same color.... while my lipstick was matching with the color of F-type lol....and then.. his smile flashed like an electric bolt , What I was dying to see for so long..

" You looking pretty!!"He said before opening door for me..

" and you looking stunning!!" I said with a huge grin when he started to drive..

"cant you stop copying my colors Roy? " I said laughing

" are you talking about maroon one or the red one?"

God !! he noticed my lipstick too...

"umm, u need to focus on the road I guess.. as I wanna reach there safely.. hehehe" I just tried to avoid his question..

"only if the road is prettier!!"

" can I open the window?" again avoiding what he just said.


"Just need some fresh air.. plus I like the wind.."  and he couldn't say no..

" can you please buy some chocolate chip cookies?" I said all of a sudden..

" are you hungry?"

" Nop.. for James.. I guess he likes 'em"

He bought a cute, wrapped big cookie bag.. ohh I like this guy!! ;)

The ride was nearly of half an hour and we talked about many things, It was like a never-ending journey.. may be I wanted it not to end ever..

We reached there on time. Wood family was well renowned. They own a beautiful villa. I saw James playing with his pet on the lawn. It was a puppy.. suddenly the memories of the day when James met us.. when ran after the puppy and couldn't find his way back started flooding inside my head..I dont know how but Roy gets to know when I will get emotional and will start crying.. he held my hand gently to make me feel comfortable. This was the time when Mr. and Mrs. Wood appeared.. they looked so glad to see us there.. they called James and we got inside their villa.

It was mesmerizing view inside the villa. paintings, murals, vases, flowers, frames..everything was just perfect... I promised myself to work hard and EARN this kinda life in my near future.. coz 'SUCCESS MEANS NOTHING TO ME IF IT ISN'T HARD TO GET'

Wood family of three was well mannered and down to earth. Mrs. Wood was expecting a baby very soon and my bad that I haven't noticed it before.... its gonna be a perfect square family soon. They have made really great arrangements, also they treated us very well.

My jaw dropped to the floor when Mr. Wood asked Roy that how we both met and since when we are together!!


"well Mr. Wood.. we are friends" I said politely

" Yah right" He added. " we are just friends"

" Ohh , I'm so sorry, just another misunderstanding as I have seen you guys walking hand in hand earlier"

"Never mind Mr.Wood"

I turned to James, I called his name and asked him to come near ..To my surprise he still remembers me :)

I will never forget James's those eyes when we gave him the cookies bag. those eyes were so different than the previous sore ones that I would never want to see again. I'd like to see him happy... always..

The dinner was fab.. truly awesome.. we enjoyed the night with Wood family and specially James.. we promised him to meet soon again before we left the villa. I could see that Roy was happy and satisfied.... just like me.... but this time I sensed his emotions so I held his hand.. after all we are friends...




Hello lovelies.. how is this chapter? hope you liked it .. I really love James.. he is a cute , innocent kid.. that I used to be.. ;p ..lolz

please read, comment ,vote and show ur love..

take care.. :)

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