Chapter 10: A Drug Called Lust

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"You almost done?" he asked.

"Um, not really" I said, glancing furtively at the clock.

Only an hour more to stall. I began to shade him in. I noticed that he was staring at me intensely...really intensely. I tried to ignore him and continue drawing. My eyes wandered from his face to his arms and then to his chest and then...uh, let's go back up to his face. A bit of pink coloured my cheeks as I shaded in his legs, I had to look in the one place for a while. What a weird effect...this never used to happen to me...not even with Allen.

"Can I see what you've got so far?" he asked.

I shook my head, "I-I'm still not done" I stammered.

It was a lie, I was done but I needed to stall longer.

He lunged forward, his hands grasping for my sketch book.

"Eek!" I squeaked as his hand brushed something that shouldn't be brushed, "No, no! Get off!" I struggled.

My heart pounded as he grabbed my wrists and pinned them to my sides. He grabbed the sketch book and looked at his portrait.

"Liar, you said you weren't done" he shook his head, his voice dangerously quiet.

"I-it's not! I'm still missing a whole bunch of details!" I denied, panicked.

I bucked again, trying to get him off. I did not prevail. He put my sketch book down and his hands each grabbed one of mine. I pressed back into the cushions as he leaned in closer.

"Your work really is great...I found a good teacher" he murmured and pressed his forehead to mine.

"W-what are you d-doing?!" I stammered, distressed.

He didn't reply but my heart was skipping a beat, I swear! It pounded so loudly that I was surprised he couldn't hear it...never mind, I spoke too soon.

"Your heartbeat is so fast...can something be...exciting you?" he breathed into my face.

"N-no! But I am worried about what's going through your head while I'm in this position!" I babbled.

He showed his brilliant white teeth in a natural smile, "Really? What if...I do this?" he lowered his head to my neck.

I shivered as his lips pressed against my skin, "S-stop! Seriously!" I almost begged.

He lay his head on my shoulder, "This is just like taking drugs" he murmured, "I'm already addicted".

"Sasuke! You retard! S-stop!" I squirmed beneath his oppressive weight.

The door suddenly opened and I screamed, "Hel-" Liz froze.

"'ll just leave now" she said, about to close the door.

"No! No! Liz! Come back!" I shrieked.

Liz looked torn between leaving and coming to my aid. Luckily, she didn't have to choose, Sasuke released me and got up, straightening his jacket.

"How was your date with Gaara?" he asked Liz politely.

She blushed, " can ask him to fill you in".

Sasuke looked back at my terrified face, "See you at school" he waved and left, closing the door behind him.

As his footsteps faded away, Liz jumped onto the couch, her eyes popping, "Oh my god! What was that?! You guys were definitely getting it on" she winked.

I didn't reply, I just pointed to my neck and flapped my gums uselessly.

Liz's eyes widened even more, if that was even possible, "He gave you a hickey?!" she squealed.

I turned my head in a full circle, unsure of what that was. It didn't feel like a kiss...kinda just like a touch but he did use his lips.

Liz reached out and planted her hand in the middle of my chest and closed her eyes, "Increased heartbeat...that really exhilarated you, right?" she smirked, "You've been caught red-handed!".

"W-what?" I choked out.

"You're body's reacting to him already, why isn't your brain?" Liz exclaimed.

"Ew, don't say that, it sounds so wrong in so many ways" I made a face.

Liz rolled her eyes, "And you don't think that position you guys were in was wrong?".

"His fault, I was the damsel in distress" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Damn, if only I'd actually come back at ten, then you guys could've had a moment there!" she said dreamily.

I decided to change the subject since I couldn't really doubt that fact, "How did your date go?" I said shakily.

She perked up, "We kissed! Mission accomplished!" she hugged me.

I patted her on the back, "Good job! Looks like he fell hard for you!" I smiled.

"He's so cute! He was blushing the whole time! I'm in love too, Vira!" she squealed, I swear that I could see hearts in her eyes.

"You two should be in the Guiness World Record Book" I teased, "That was the fastest that I've known anyone to fall in love like that" I giggled.

She flushed, "I-I don't know...he just felt...right" she mumbled, embarrassed.

I laughed at her choice of words, "I'm sure he did, Liz, I'm sure he did".

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