22. If You Like It Or Not

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I looked out the window every five minutes, waiting to see the very familiar grey car pull up.

"Honey, he'll be here. Just wait in the living room." My mom said and ushered me into the living room. I sat on the couch, my leg bouncing as I grew impatient.

"What if he doesn't show?" I asked. I got up and walked over to the window. I peered through the blinds and seen him pull up.

"Nevermind!" I shouted and rushed out of the house. I ran over to his car and jumped in. I closed the door and he pulled away from my house, heading towards school.

"Alright, explain." I said after a few minutes of awkward silence had passed.

"Okay, well, it wasn't at all what it looked like. A friend of mine asked me to get his stuff from his locker while he talked to the coach, so I went to go get it, but I bumped into Caitlyn. She started asking questions, but then she grabbed my face and kissed me. I was about to push her away, but I seen you down the hall, and instantly ran after you. You left and I felt so guilty. I couldn't handle knowing that I hurt you. I love you so fucking much..." He explained. I was silent for a moment, realizing what exactly went down.

I'm such a bad boyfriend.

"Dal, I'm sorry. I should've heard your side. I love you so much." I spoke softly.

"You shouldn't be sorry. I'd do the same thing you did. You played it safe, and I understand that. I was so scared that you wouldn't listen to me. I thought I was going to lose you." He replied. I smiled and reached out for his hand. He complied and held my hand tightly.

"I'm yours and you're mine, whether you like it or not." He said sweetly. I smiled and looked at our hands with admiration.

Three months ago, I wouldn't even imagine this. I thought he'd hate me, that he'd never change. Well, look at us now. Hopelessly in love.

I was so wrong.

We arrived at school and waltzed in without a care in the world. There was something I'd like to do before class started though.

"So, what do you think about us going and having a little chat with Caitlyn?" I asked, leaning against him as we walked.

"Why not? Give her a piece of your mind, Bren!" He shouted, letting me go. I walked ahead of him and searched for Caitlyn. I figured she'd be near the gym or something, but she was waiting at my locker. I walked over to her, Dallon close behind me.

"You think you're so fucking clever! You lose! He's mine now, and I don't share. So I'd do the best thing and back the fuck off." I growled, venom spilling from every word. Dallon put a hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Whatever you say." She smirked, folding her arms.

"Stay the hell away from Dal, and stay the hell away from me." I barked. She put her hands up in defeat and walked off down the hall.

"Damn, never seen you like that." Dallon said in a deep tone.

"What? I'm only a little protective." I smiled and turned to my locker.

"Yeah, I think you meant you're very protective." He chuckled as I put my binder up.

"You love it." I smirked. He nodded and leaned against the empty lockers next to mine.

"I rather be outside with you than in school right now..." He groaned. Of course he'd want to skip.

"Sure. Where to?" I asked, shutting my locker. He smiled and took my hand.

"Hmm, your place seems nice." He grinned.


"Okay, now you know that wasn't fair." Dallon said as he chucked the controller to the side.

"It was! I swear I'm not cheating!" I whined. We were playing Call Of Duty and I kept killing him, but it totally wasn't on purpose...

"Yeah, okay. I believed that the last twenty times." He stood up and stretched.

"I'm going to get a snack. Coming with?" He asked, offering me a hand. I nodded and took his hand. He helped me up and we went straight to the kitchen.

He opened the pantry and rummaged for food. I, on the other hand, had different plans. I picked up an orange from the fruit basket on the counter and chucked it at him.

"Ow! What the fuck!" He exclaimed as he stood up. He turned to face me with a menacing glare.

Oh, if looks could kill.

"I will fucking stab you, come here!" He shouted, chasing me around the house. I was giggling as I ran, making sure to watch my step. He was on one side of the couch and I was on the other. He held the orange in one hand, and a bag of chips in the other.

"Brendon, we can talk about this." He said, holding his hands up slightly. I bit my lip and started moving towards the other side of the couch.

"Think fast!" He shouted and threw the orange. I quickly moved out of the way and ended up on the floor. All I heard was the sound of glass shattering as I fell. I looked over and seen my mom's vase in the floor, completely smashed.

"Dal, I think we better stop throwing food." I warned him. He looked shocked as he came over to help me up.

"Shit, I am so sorry! I'll glue it back together." He said as he bent over to pick up the pieces.

"No, don't worry about it. I'll just tell her I accidentally knocked it over. She'll be mad, but at least she won't be mad at you." I said, pulling on his arm. He stood up and looked at me carefully.

"You're bleeding." He said. I looked down at my hand and noticed the huge gash. I guess I hit a piece of glass on the way down.

"C'mon. I'll patch it up." Dallon said kindly and led me to the bathroom. He opened the door and had me sit on the toilet lid. He washed the wound throughly, getting every piece of glass out of it before he put a wrap over it.

"There. All better." He smiled. I walked into the hall and looked around at the mess he made.

"Now we have to clean." I said jokingly.

"More like I have to clean. You don't need to raise a finger. You can go to your room and wait for me." He said, rushing me to my room.

"I want to help." I begged. He shook his head and pushed me into my room.

"No. I won't take long." He promised as he connected our lips. God, he's so sweet.

"You have five minutes before I come down there and help." I smiled as he pulled away. He nodded and left to go clean up his mess.

I walked over and sat on my bed. I almost always forget to put my phone on my nightstand. I went looking for it, moving my sheets and some clothes. I still couldn't find it anywhere.

"Dal!" I shouted to get his attention. I heard his rushed footsteps as he neared my room.

"Yes, darling?" He asked, peeking his head in.

"Have you seen my phone?" I asked with a grin. He shook his head walked in a little.

"Maybe it's in the car." He shrugged. I stood up and walked past him.

"Excuse me, but where do you think you're going?" He questioned, his arms crossed.

"To get my phone." I said and continued my journey to the car.

"Nope." He came up behind me and picked me up. I kicked at the air, wanted to be put down.

"I only cut my hand. I am perfectly capable of getting my phone." I groaned as he carried me back up to my room.

"I don't care if you scraped your knee, you will not lift a finger. I'll get your phone." He stated sternly. I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. He came back in a few minutes later with my phone. I checked it quickly, finding it empty.

"There. Now play your game. I love you!" He sang and left the room to finish cleaning.

He is such a dork, but I love him.

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