15. Therapy

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"Are you paying attention, Brendon?" My teacher snapped his fingers in front of me. I pulled my gaze away from Dallon and gave my attention to him, nodding. I'm worried about Dallon and I just can't focus. I gave in and made up with him last night, but he seems off this morning. I've tried to get him to talk about it, but he won't. He's stubborn.

"Well it didn't seem like it. Pay attention tomorrow," He stated, "You are all dismissed." Everyone filed out of the classroom, Dallon being one of the first ones out. I followed everyone out and tried to catch up with him.

"Dal, wait up!" I shouted, running in his direction. He shut his locker and walked off quickly. I ran after him, not letting him get away.

"What's wrong?" I grabbed him by the shoulder and made him face me.

"Nothing, Bren. I'm fine." He said, backing away. I grabbed his arm amd pulled him back. Nice try, Dallon.

"No you're not. Please tell me what's wrong. It's killing me, Dal." I begged. The hallways were starting to clear and we were going to be late to class.

"Brendon, I'm fine. Let's get to class." He murmured, pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and smiled. I love this...

"Come on, dude. We can't stand here all day." He said, pulling away from me and dragging me down the hall.


"Where's Ryan?" Dallon asked. We were eating lunch together at the table in the back. We didn't feel like socializing today. Well, he didn't.

"Um, I think he's with his mom today. He's considering moving in with her and he wants to get his stuff packed before my parents get back." I said. I know he just moved in a month ago, but his mom wants him back. He was closer with his mom than his dad anyways.

"Where did your parents go?" He asked.

"They went on a vacation. They'll be back some time next week." I said, picking at my food. I don't really like the food they serve here. It's always cold and just gross. Dallon doesn't eat anything but snacks from the vending machine.

"Oh look! It's the gay couple of the school!" Caitlyn shouted, sitting down at our table. Dallon looked like he was ready to break down.

"Caitlyn, stop." Dallon said in a low voice. He got up and walked off, leaving me to deal with Caitlyn.

"What in the hell was that about?" I asked, standing up.

"I know what you two have done and I'm not going to let it happen again. I will not be cheated on again. Especially when he's fucking you." She spat. I busted out laughing.

"Okay, whatever you say. Dallon is my friend, not my fuck buddy." I said and walked off to find Dallon.

I walked out and looked around for any place he would go. I know he wouldn't go hide in the bathroom and he wouldn't go down the hall so he has to be outside. I walked over to the door and looked to see a pencil wedged in the small crack, keeping the door open. Called it.

"Dallon?" I called, pushing the door open and stepping out.

"Go back inside, Brendon." He seethed. I shook my head and went over to him.

"No. Can you please just tell me what's going on here. Explain to me what happened." I begged.

"No. Please leave me alone right now." He said, clenching his fists.

"Dallon..." I went to hug him, but he pushed me away. He pushed me pretty hard too. I fell on the ground, staring up at him.

"Go." He growled. I didn't hesitate when I got up and went inside. He's obviously going to be mad at me when he gets back inside. I pushed him too much when I knew I should have just left it alone.

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